Chapter 8

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Chandler's POV

How do people breathe again?

I spot Chris walk in with Katie on his arm. I watch as his eyes scan the room as his date talks to her sister.

His hair is styled to perfection and he's wearing a suit I've never seen before. It feels like the whole room is just the background in a movie and everything focuses on him. His eyes land on me and I give and awkward side smile and a small wave as a reflex. This makes him grin as he slips away from his date and starts making his way over.

He doesn't get very far before everyone's movements and conversations slowly come to a slow stop as a someone taps a mic. All eyes follow to the huge stage on the side of the room. A light focuses on a man with graying hair, in suit and tie as well, and all other lights dim.

His suit probably costs more than my life.

"Hello everyone! My name is Mr. Kim Jonsoo and I am the manager of this fine establishment." Claps and cheers were heard from everyone in the room before it slowly quiets down again. "I just wanted to check in and make sure you were all having fun tonight." His smiles grows brighter when cheers were heard once again. I even found myself clapping for the guy. This place is next to perfect from what I've seen. The beautiful beach front, the open lobby, amazingly big, beautiful, and modern rooms.

Very impressive if I'm being honest.

"Well I'm glad to hear you guys are enjoying yourselves! The food should be out in an hour or so. We apologize for the wait, but feel free to use the snack bars and order drinks if you wish." He chuckles a bit before he gives everyone a warm smile. "Now's a good chance to grab a dance partner by the way." He winks at everyone before talking a bow and walks off the stage.

The crowd claps once more before the lights come back on and music plays in the background.

"Hey guys!" Garrett walks over to Jimmy, Bailey, Jake, and I. Next to him is a girl with long light brown hair. Her eyes are a deep blue with hints of green. Chris, Katie, and Lainey walk over as well. "I want you guys to meet Alex. She agreed to join us tonight." He smiles down at her as she waves at us with an awkward but kind smile. The other two girls look at her for a second before going back into their own conversation. This makes Alex raise an eyebrow but shrug anyway. I laugh and we all introduce ourselves minus the girls.

Another song plays and I watch Katie pull at Chris' arm. "Baby let's dance! Please?" He gives her a smile and agrees and they walk off to dance. The guys, minus Jimmy, pull Garrett and Bailey away so they can go eat snacks from the snack bar.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn around to spot Lainey. "Dance with-" Jimmy steps in and I look at him curiously but he doesn't seem to notice. "Let's dance Lainey." He pulls her off not really giving her much of an option. I silently send him thank you's in my head hoping they'll somehow reach him.

I scan over the room and stop when I spot Chris and Katie on the dance floor together. His hands on her hips and hers wrapped tightly around his neck. Both smiling at one another. She whispers something to him making him laugh. She leans further into him and kisses him longingly.

I shove my hands in my pockets as I continue to glance at them.

"Don't tell me. You're in love with his wife?" A light voice laughs beside me.

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