Chapter 10

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Chandler's POV

I open the door to my room, making sure to close it silently behind me.

Bailey, Jimmy, Chris and I have all said our goodbyes to one another. We figured we should head back since it was nearing 7 AM.

Walking over to the area where the beds are, I spot Lainey laying face down on one with little to nothing on. Not to mention it's the one she knew I claimed.

It doesn't even matter at this point I'm just exhausted. After taking off my shirt and shoes I throw myself onto the other bed and feel myself drifting to sleep almost immediately.

I can't believe I managed to make tonight happen.

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Just a few more minutes.

The sound from my phone continues to ping with messages. I refuse to open my eyes and face the world right now.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

After a few seconds, I consider that it could be important and check the number. The only thing I have are text messages from Alex.

Alex: Hey u up for lunch? On me.
1:07 PM

Alex: No way. Are you still asleep? I mean I know we got back late but Chandler it's 1 lol.
1:15 PM

Alex: Okay yeah you're either sleep or something happened last night.
1:18 PM

Alex: I asked Garrett for the room number. He said Lainey might be holding you or your phone hostage.
1:20 PM

I laugh to myself and glance to the bed Lainey was in last night. She's not even there. Now that I think of it, it's fairly quiet in here. Not like I'm going to complain about it though.

Alex: I'm coming to save you don't worry. ^.^
1:22 PM

Smiling at the dumb messages, I check the time to see that it's one twenty-six in the afternoon.
I throw my phone on my bed after sending Chris a very late good morning, even if it's not morning, text.  I enjoy talking to Alex. She has a chill vibe about her.

I grab some clothes from my bag before hearing a knock at my door. Already knowing who it is I press this button I found out unlocks the door. This place continues to amaze me the more I'm here.

Alex wastes no time in walking in with a smile and slightly jumping onto my bed. "Glad to see you're alive.  We thought for sure we'd lost you to Lainey."

I throw her a look before grabbing a towel from the closet. "Don't even joke. I'm surprised I didn't find her in my bed when I woke up."

Alex grabs my laptop laughing to herself before getting comfortable. "You up for lunch? I have some stuff I wanna tell you about my time with Garrett."

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