Chapter 9

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Chris' POV

I'm at a loss for words. The stars that hang brightly above us, gives off a sense of contentment. As if after years I've finally had the chance to take a breath of fresh air.

I never want this feeling to end.

My fingers run through the soft strands of Chandlers hair. My chest almost swells as his fingers gently dance across my leg. He more than likely doesn't realize he's doing it.

After a few more seconds of the calm waves crashing in the distance, I feel Chandler tense up. I look down at him a little worried.

Does he want me to stop touching him?

"Chris? Chandler?"

I find myself tensing up as well. I hurriedly try to move my hand away but Chandler holds it in place. I probably shouldn't be nervous but I can't help. Plus it's not like we're doing anything wrong. Right?

I turn my head to face who the voice belonged to and my body immediately relaxes again.


"Are you guys trying to give me a heart attack?" I frown scolding the two approaching us.

Bailey walks more into the light the fireplace gives off, with Jimmy following closely behind. "That's them alright. What brings you two on a beautiful night like this?" A smile plays on Jimmy's lips and I swear if he wasn't one of my best friends I would have told him off.

A/N we love Jimmy I swear we do.

"I could say the same of you two." I gesture to them with the same expression Jimmy gave me.

Jimmy turns to Bailey, "What are we doing out here exactly?" He trails off and Bailey blushes under everyone's stare. He seems at a loss for words so Jimmy speaks for him. "We just decided to look around." He walks over to the other side of the fireplace and picks up a guitar we must've missed when we sat down. "They really know how to set a mood huh?" He mumbles to himself but I still hear it.

What mood?

Jimmy sits across the fire from Chandler and I, placing the guitar in his lap. He strums a bit nodding his head. "You play?" Bailey walks over and slides next to Jimmy.

I feel fingers drumming onto mine and I look down at my lap and see Chandler glance back at me. My hand is still in his while on his hair. I start to smile at him and he just stares at me with a small smile on his face.

"Of course I play. I'm a professional."

Chandler snorted making me smile bigger at his cuteness. "Yeah right. You know a few songs from high school. I wouldn't call that a professional." We laugh and Jimmy just rolls his eyes at us.

"Play us something." I chime in and Bailey seconds my statement.

Jimmy looks like he's about to tell us off but shrugs agreeing anyways. "Get ready to hear the best music you've ever heard." He starts to strum, messing up a bit making us chuckle. After a bit he gets it and we all seem to notice the song. All of us softly humming to the beat.

A few seconds in I'm startled because Chandler is lifting his head up off of my lap. He stands in front of me and holds out his hand.

I frown but can't help smiling at him anyway. "What are you doing-"

"Dance with me." He returns my smile gesturing his hand again.

"Why would you-"

"We didn't get a chance to dance early like I hoped we would. So," He reaches down and grabs my hand in his. "May I have this dance?"

How can I say no to that?

I just nod my head, allowing him to pull me up. "You could've at least let me finish talking." I mumble only loud enough for him to hear. Bailey and Jimmy seemed to be in their own world. Jimmy playing the soft song while watching the reactionof the boy next to him. Bailey seemed to be in awe while looking at him as well.

"Anyway, why didn't you just ask me at the event?" I ask him while I tentatively place my hands on his arms, not sure where else to put them, making him laugh softly.

He gently grabs my hands and placed them on his shoulders, while he places his hands on my waist. "I wanted you to enjoy yourself with.." His voice trailed off a bit and I feel his grip on my waist tighten the slightest bit. "With Katie. You should be able to enjoy your time with your wife without friends in the way right?"

I frown softly at him, my cheeks flushing a bit at our proximity. "I still want to spend time with you." I start to get a little nervous while talking but continue nevertheless. My voice goes into a whisper. "I actually kind of miss being with you."

Chandler's body tenses a bit. "I-I mean I miss hanging out with you and Jimmy like we used to. Bailey too of course. I just miss the talks we had. All the jokes we made at one another. It seems like we never get to do that stuff anymore."

I feel Chandler wrap his arms around my waist completely, pulling me closer to him. I do the same thing with my arms around his neck and we continued sway to the soft music. "I miss you too." His face is sincere and he gives me a soft smile that makes me want to melt completely but I try my best not to. I look down trying to avoid his eyes.

I shouldn't be doing this.

There's no way he meant that in a friends way. I know that yet I still don't want to pull away from him. Too bad this isn't some movie with happy endings. We can't always get what we want.

We both step away as Jimmy finishes up the song. I look over and see Jimmy and Bailey closer than before. Both of them now staring at us.

"Oh don't mind us." Jimmy waves his hand and continues watching as well as Bailey who laughs to himself quietly.

Chandler and I laugh and we all slowly go back into our ways of making jokes and poking fun at one another.

We lose track of time and after a few hours of the sun peaks over the ocean. It's been too long since I've gotten to laugh with these guys without my wife with me.

Part of me wants to feel bad and go back to the room and hug her but another part doesn't. That other part of me really wants Chandler to hold my hand in his and pull me closer. The same feeling I had that night in Jimmy's backyard.

Judging from the way he's looking at me right now, instead of the picture worthy sunrise in front of us, makes me believe it could happen.

Maybe, just maybe,

He wants it too.

- - - - -

I didn't think this school year would be this hard!
Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed and sorry for the delay. To make up for it, I'm working on the next one right now and will try to get it out as soon as I can!
Thank you for your support it really means so much to me. <3
(Trying so hard not to rush C and C but like it's cuuuttteeee!!)

Instagram: daena_main
Lets be friends lol.

Chris x Chandler (MrBeast)Where stories live. Discover now