Chapter 1

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"Princess, please wake up." The figure on the bed remained unmoving, except for when she breathes in and out. You sighed, rolling your eyes while laughing to yourself. The maids in the back stood still like statues, but there was a glimmer in their eyes that also wanted to laugh along with you. "Please excuse us for a moment," you told them. The maids did a little curtsy and left the room, giggling a little. You turned back on the bed, this time, determined to wake her up.

Your sleeves were rolled up to your elbow as you quietly approached the bed. The layout of the room never ceases to amaze you. A set of double doors opening up to reveal a massive living space. The first thing you would see is a normal sitting area consisted of a few couches and sofas. The glass coffee table laid in the middle with flower vases that are changed every day to match the tea set of that day. The top half of the walls were a baby blue color while the bottom half was marble with intricate gold lacings, at the request of the princess. The ceiling had various paintings done by the family's artist who works exclusively for them. Whether it's the ceiling or a portrait, or a simple photograph, they only trust Vante.

To the right of the living room was the princess's chamber. A decent size room with her mahogany wood bed taking most of the space. The lace canopy draping down, giving whatever behind it an almost mystical aura. There were a few doors inside her room. One led to her private bathroom with its own sauna. The other led to the balcony outside where there was an area of sit and watch the morning sun. Sometimes you would sneak out there, and pretend that you're living out this lavish life The last was a walk-in closet with shelves running up to the ceiling. You overheard conversations of construction for another closet. At least a great percentage of her old clothes were donated to charities. That's the thing about Ha Eun, she's kind, graceful, she deserves to be a princess. She does have a flaw though, and that's sleeping passed her alarm clock, which is usually you.

You carefully peeled away the lace as it probably costs more than your entire apartment. The other hand went to find Ha Eun's neck, which was her most ticklish spot. Her eyes flashed opened and her leg had a mind of their own. It kicked you to the ground. Luckily there was a pillow there, ready to cushion your fall. This happens almost every morning and you've always landed in the same spot. It was a smart idea to put the pillow there.

"Who dares to wake the princess?" Ha Eun yelled. She sat up on the bed, hair flopped over her face.

"It is I, your noble servant," you answered. You stood up and fixed your outfit. The gray pencil skirt constricted a lot of movements, so does the white blouse that looks like it came from the 1700s. Nonetheless, rules are rules.

"Y/N, how many times have I told you to not call yourself that?" she groaned, her feet hiding the floor and the scrambled to find her house slippers. You patiently watch as she began to light stretch. The maids entered again with, one of them helped her into the bathroom while the other laid out her outfit for the day. It seems exhausting, for both parties. One just wants independent while the other lacks a purpose, sometimes they would exchange.

You walked over to the study room in the back of the living room. Ha Eun had it built so that you two would get more privacy. There were plenty of bookshelves and she insisted that you use it because she had it installed for you, and sometimes her brother. From the bag that you had been carrying, you pulled out the lessons planned for today. The lessons were supposed to be formal, at least, that's what the contract demanded. However, over time, both you and the Princess grew extremely fond of each other so formality was thrown out the window. Except for when other members of the royal family visits.

After settling the materials, you glanced at the wall. Ha Eun's portrait was front and center. She had a choice between a picture or a traditional painting, she chose the latter because Vante had a face that she particularly liked. Being 16, she has every right to dream. Next to hers was her family portrait, this time, just a photograph. The King himself sat on the sofa, his wife directly at his side. Even through the picture, you could see the love they have for each other. Behind them was Ha Eun and her brother, Namjoon. Just the image of him made you blush. His figure towering but there was a softness in the features of his face. He wore a tailored black suit and bow. His hair parted and he had on light makeup. You have read about princes in fairy tales, and the moment you saw Namjoon, there were no doubts that he was one.

You remembered that day clearly. It was your first day at the palace, your eyes scanned everything, making sure to memorize every single detail. That was when you bumped into him. You have seen him before on the news, but to see him in person was something much more magical.

"I'm so sorry! I've committed such a big crime, please don't put me in jail." you exclaimed, eyes closed, awaiting the verdict. But you heard him laugh instead.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. When you opened your eyes again, he was smiling, both dimples showing. Two moons could fit in them. "You must be Ha Eun's new tutor. I wish you luck. She should be in her quarter right now, just continue down this path and you won't miss it. Find me if you have any questions." he said before leaving. You didn't even have the chance to say thank you. It's been two years since that day, but it was one of your most treasured memories.

It sounds cheesy but considering that you're an orphan, happy memories are rare. It was luck that the orphanage took care of you for so long and eventually put you through college. It was also a miracle that the palace had contacted you for the job after you got out of college. You were sure it was some sick prank, but one of the secretaries came to the orphanage and handed you the job details along with the key to your own apartment. After that, you really couldn't decline, it was the palace after all. There had been corruptions and schemings before. Apparently, the supposed next royal family went missing, everyone, that's when the commander's family took over, Kim Manse. Because of his accomplishments in the war, the people thought it only made sense. And since the King was kind and many people, including you, doubted that he had anything to do with that incident.

These days, the kind has been ill. Aside from attending important gatherings, he had been in his room, his wife never leaving his side. Namjoon took over most of the meetings with the help of his uncle, chances of seeing him throughout the day decreased.

"Stop drooling over my brother and teach me something." Ha Eun said sarcastically. Her silk dress doesn't hide much royalty, though she tries. The maid had already left the room as she took her seat across from you. You threw the pencil her way and began the lesson. 

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