Chapter 20

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"I told you, it's daffodils, not jasmines!" the woman yelled. She took the vase an threw it on the floor. The white fragments flew in all directions. The water splashing on your face. You bit your lips.

"Ma'am, you did say jasmine 5 minutes ago, when I went to fetch the vase for the bouquet." Her eyes darted to you and then you felt a sudden sting on your cheek. The blood rush to the sight as you cup your cheek.

"Don't you dare talk back to me, you lowlife." You breathe out slowly. This wasn't the first time she had yelled at you and it certainly wouldn't be the last. This was also not the first time she had struck you. The other times were your arms or legs. Bruises decorate your body like ornaments. Madame Lee was like a secretary of the Prime Minister's house. She was the textbook definition of a strict librarian, equipped with the tight bun, cat-eye glasses, and stick figure body. Since you arrived at the house a week ago, she has been ordering you to do everything. From cleaning the chicken cage, to doing all the laundries, to bringing food to the twins, which was about the only thing that gives you joy in this house. Though Jimin was the only one that believed you, Jungkook looks at you like a dog, even more than before.

Regardless of the tireless work, you still didn't forget your objectives in coming here. Which was why you convinced the Prime Minister to let you take lunch to him every morning. It was normally Madame Lee's job, she beliefs that if she did it enough time, the position of Mrs. Prime Minister would be hers. Her hatred for you grew when when Daehan agreed.

"Clean off the mess, and hurry, lunch is getting cold." she said, kicking the shattered pieces one last time before leaving the kitchen. The cooks never spared you any glimpse. It seemed that in this household, mortals cannot feel happiness. After cleaning up the mess, you decided that he would just have to deal with not looking at flowers for this morning. The tray represented the worst part of politics. While citizens are starving, their Prime Minister is having shark fin soup with caviar toasts. Even the King didn't eat like this.

The twin's house was built like that of the palace, traditional but a hint of ego and pride. The garden was a testament to Daehan's greatness with a golden statue of him in battle armors, though you never recalled him being in any battles. He preferred to be on the side, scheming As you got closer to his office, where he resides normally and not his actual bedroom, you heard loud voices. He was talking to someone on the phone, well, more like yelling. You leaned in closer, he wasn't speaking Korean, but instead Japanese. Thanks to your vat knowledge of anime, you could make out a few things.

"Emperor...devotion...hero...Princess." You backed away quickly. He could either be talking about you or Ha Eun, but most likely Ha Eun because he wouldn't want to reveal your identity. The door gave out a faint sound when you knocked. Daehan cursed, hung up the phone, and told you to come in.

"Ah, it's just you." he mumbled. He began clearing out some papers. They were too unorganized to be official documents. You looked away quickly to avoid any suspicions.

"I have your lunch, sir." you said. He waved at you to come over to his work desk and laid down the tray. As you began pulling your hands away, he swiftly caught your wrist.

"Why don't you stay with me?" he said in a sadistic tone. His voice was low and rough, like tree barks.

"I have to get back to work." you answered and tried to push his grip off of you, but failed. He tugged tighter as he stood up and walked around to meet you. He smelled of smoke.

"That's no way to treat your owner." he said, puffing down your neck. One of his hands lingers on your neck and moved down the side of your arm. You closed your eyes and braced your body. It felt disgusting to be touched by him.

"Sir, please stop." you said. He ignored it and leaned in closer and his lips were hovering on your collarbone.

"Forget about the Prince. I could make you my mistress, and you wouldn't have to work for the rest of your life." You tried forcing him away but he had a tight hold of your neck. The other hand began trailing your legs. Anger struck you as you began crying, a tear falling. He glanced up and frowned. His hand moved up to your face, and landed a punch. You fell down, unaware of the pain at first. He stood tall over your body as he began unbuckling his belt.

This was the first time in weeks that you've felt fright. You didn't want him near you, you didn't want him to touch you, and you definitely did not want your body to be stained by him. You scooted further away, eventually finding the wall. You opened your mouth to scream but he kicked your stomach, literally knocking the air out of your lungs.

Then he bent down, his shirt half button that you could see his chest hair. "I'll make you forget him." You tried looking away but he cupped your face and leaned in. He was so close, that you could practically taste the cigarette he had earlier. Millions of options ran threw your mind, like kneeing him in the groin, or spitting on his face. But either option would get you killed. But you also couldn't just let him violate you, it would literally kill you.

With no further objections from you, he began to advance. You felt his breathe on your neck. Inside your head, you apologized to the Prince. But just then, his phone rang. He cursed before answering it.

"What is it?" he shouted. He lets go of your wrists, which now had red markings on them. Fine. I'll be there in a second." Daehan got off your body, fixed his clothes, and left the room. He had ignored you as if you were just dust in the air. But you were grateful for that. You pulled your knees together and wept. 

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