Chapter Two: Blood

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(Outfit like last chapter)

Half of the school day had gone. I was walking down the hallway for my next class to teach. I see Rachel at her locker, following her eyes with some football players. They ignored her, not even giving her a second glance. It was like she was Invisible to everyone, and I know how she felt. A sad smile came to my face, as I watch her turn back to her locker, grabbing a book for her next class. She could do with a talk and most of all a friend, it didn't matter who it was, she just needed someone to talk too.

I began to walk in her direction, my boots made a clicking sound on the marble floor, as I neared her. "Rachel?" I said softly, she turned her gaze to me, her blue eyes connected to my green ones. Her hair raven with blue streaks in, but for some reason it suited her.

"Yes?" She replied with trying to keep her tone normal.

"What happened this morning, I just wanted to say sorry. No girl should be called names and if you ever need to talk to someone about anything, and I mean anything," I spoke with care like I was offering a shoulder. "You can come talk to me," her expression changed, her unease face changed to a smiley one, knowing that every word that I was saying was true.

"Thank you, Miss Young," she replied with a warm smile.

"However, I will have to see your Mother after school, just to tell her whats happened," Rachel looked scared for a moment but she knew she wasn't going to be any trouble.

"Yeah, that's fine," she said, gathering her books and closing the locker door, with her free hand.

"Save me a seat on the bus?" I asked, my tone sweet and caring. Her smiled only widened and she gave me a enthusiastic nod of her head, before rushing off down the hallway. I smiled myself as I watched her, she's a good kid and would be an excellent friend if anyone would just allow her in.

But I was afraid that no one would...


The rest of the school day had finished, classes went by so fast, being an music teacher would do that.

Ever since I was little I've had an angel voice, and music was apart of my life. My Father was a drummer in a band years ago, he would play in small clubs but he loved doing it. My Mother on the other hand, hated it, especially when he got me a drumming kit for my 10th birthday. I remember staying up late at night banging on them, keeping everyone in my street awake. Those were the times, these memories is what make being a child great, and over the years the children are more bothered about who's having sex and what's on their phones. Than making memories with their families...

Rachel had saved me a seat, the drive didn't seem as long this time around. The bus came to a stop, jerking us forward as Rachel and I stood from our seats and exited. Her hood over her head, as we walk towards her house. It was small but cosy, like a really family home.

Rachel puts her key into the lock and opens the door, she enters as I'm close behind her and I entered the living room as she swung the door close, it making a 'slamming' sound. She entered the living room before going straight into the kitchen. My eyes scanned the kitchen, it was a messy - for a lack of better word- food on the counter top, food bags on the floor, glass bottles, like someone had just came in and ransacked her fridge, which was still opened.

"Mom?" Rachel said as she took her hood down, looking at the mess of the kitchen. I moved into the kitchen, standing behind Rachel, as she moved closer to the counter to look at the food, before her Mother came into view in the arch way that leads to the back door.

"Mom, I'm really sorry about this morning, and I have my teac--" Rachel began, but was cut off as an hand came out from beside Rachel's mother, who gripped her shoulder. Before he came into view, he was middle-aged, bald. My first instinct was to grab Rachel ever so quickly, in a protective manner.

"Rachel. That's what she calls you," the bald man spoke in a deep tone. Moving closer to her Mother, but then I saw the gun in his hand, pointing right at Rachel's Mother. "But that is not who you are,"

"Whatever you want, let Rachel's Mother go," I said, treading careful, because one false move and goodnight. Rachel and I started moving backward just in case, the glass round table was our only source of cover.

"This woman is not her Mother," the bald man spoke, he hand now moved behind her, still holding Rachel's Mother tight. "Tell her... Tell her!" He shakes her, forcing her to tell the truth.

"I'm not your mother," she replied, her voice shaky. "But I do love you," Her Mom's voice changed, because it was truth, you could tell it in her voice and the way she looked at her. "You have good inside your heart, sweetheart, don't --". Suddenly, a shot was fired from the man's gun, leaving a hole in Rachel's Mom's head, blood dripped down, small pieces of her brain on her forehead. Rachel and I gasp, as I held her tightly from the side.

"There. Now, that's better," he replied, stepping over her body. Just then a painful  scream pierced my ears, the lights around us flickered on and off, the glass table was now smashed into pieces but remained intact. Rachel screamed for a few moments, but I never let my hold of her go. Then my eyes adjusted to a shadowy figure of some kind, but it looked like Rachel, but I was holding her. It was like a shadow of herself but not her. It lunged at the man, within seconds, sending him flying back into the window, before the shadow came racing back into Rachel.

Rachel looked at me for a moment, fear in her eyes. But we couldn't stay here, I flashed her a quick look saying 'It's going to be all right', before I grabbed her hand tightly, and ran like crazy from the kitchen and to the door, fling it open and running out with Rachel still holding tightly onto my hand.

Thoughts ran through my mind. We didn't know that man, he could be an assassin for all we know, he could hunt my family down and kill them and I couldn't let that happen and I couldn't leave Rachel all alone, she would need help. But only one place came to mind right now. Home...


We carried on running like our lives depended on it, and it did. We didn't look back, but we were becoming slow as we couldn't run anymore. We did do a good few blocks away from Rachel's house. I began to slow as did Rachel, who still held my hand. We were both panting like crazy, but she was also crying too. I let go of Rachel's hand for a moment. I took deep breaths as I lent over, my hands placing on my knees, taking in all the air I could get.

Soft cries came from beside me, as I look up, I see tears running down Rachel's face, her mascara had ran with them. "Sweetie, I'm sorry about your Mom, but if we stop he'll find us," I said as gentle as I could. "Do you have any other family?" Her gaze lifted from the floor, tears still streaming down her eyes. But all she could muster up was a shake of her head. I let out a big gust of air, as I ran my hand through my hair, looking around, thinking on what to do. Sadly, nothing came to mind.

"Your not scared of me?" Rachel's voice tore through me. My gaze turned to her, my eyebrow raised like she just said something completely crazy.

"Trust me. I've seen weirder," I chucked slightly, trying to lift her spirits, but I didn't get a reaction from her. "I'm not scared of you Rachel," I told her truthfully, and it was the truth. "But we need to keep moving. I need to go home for stuff and I'll protec--" I was cut off as I was thrown inches from my spot, hitting the pavement hard. I had heard Rachel say something but it was muffled due to my head injury on the cold stone pavement. The last thing I saw was Rachel running off before I was out cold...

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