Chapter Twenty: Tortured

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I woke to the sound of the birds outside my window, my eyes fluttered open to stare up at the ceiling. But now it was real, what my parents told me were real. The reality of it all began to sink in, that I wasn't truly theirs and I was abandoned by my real parents - which I have no idea who they are. But I guess that's life, right now. I turn over to lay on my side and to my surprise the book that was given to me was still sat their on the night-stand. For a strange reason I thought the book was mocking me, as it was my only real connection to my biological parents and it was in another fucking language...

I groan in annoyance before turning angrily to the other side of the bed, finding the will to start the day, to get up and meet the team. I took a few deep breaths, as I need to put Rachel first, myself can wait. The answers can wait...


I made the effort and gotten out of my bed, and dressed for today

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I made the effort and gotten out of my bed, and dressed for today. I stood in the bathroom of the house, and applied the red lipstick onto my lips. Once I finished circling around my lips, I patting them both together to even the lipstick, and this shade of red really suited me. I was trying to distract myself with things, but I don't even know if that was working. But out of the corner of my eye, I see the leather book, I was taking it everywhere with me. But funny thing was, I didn't know why...

"Vanessa, breakfast!" My Mother's voice echoed through the house, making me pick up the book and turn to the door, leaving the bathroom behind. I headed down the stairs and into the hallway, before turning into the kitchen to see a bowl of fruit in my place, as my Father had beacon and eggs on toast. I gave a genuine smile as these people were my parents, no matter how I look at it, in the end I draw the same conclusion. I sit in the wooden chair next to my father as he offers me a small smile, while I placed the book down next to my bowl.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, knowing that we didn't do much talking last night as it was quite overwhelming for us all.

"I'm feeling fine, weirdly enough," I replied back to him, as I did feel fine. "I stand by what I said last night," I smiled warmly at him, as this made him smile wider. I would be lying to myself if I didn't want to find out where I came from, what my parents really were like. "But I need to leave. I promised that I would go back," I told them both but I see their smiles fade as they now held a worry expression.

"But you just got here," my father argued.

"I know. But they will need my help and Rachel is only a kid, I want to be there for her," I told the truth, as I just couldn't turn my back on Rachel or the others.

"Then go," my mother chipped in, making me cock my gaze to her. "We raised you right, and you've become the woman we imagined," she comes forward and hugged the side of me, as she was pleased on how I turned out.

"Thank you," I replied as I stood and gave her a massive hug, as she soaked in this moment. I ended the hug after a moment, and grabbed the book from the table. I quickly rushed down the hallway, my heels clicking against the wooden floor.

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