Chapter Eight: Family

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The next day had started, Dawn had planned to take Rachel out to do some shopping and I thought it was a wonderful idea. It was just to get Rachel out of the apartment for awhile. They did ask me but I had to get a shower and phone my parents, just to make sure that they were doing all right.

Rachel and Dawn left, Hank went to do something on his own and Dick wasn't back. Heck knows where he currently was. Hopefully he was sorting out his closed heart... But that was a fat chance. I stood in Dawn and Hank's bathroom, she did say I could use it. She even put a fresh cream towel for me, which draped over the bath side.

I smiled to myself, at the thought that she was kind enough to do this. I lent over the tub to where the taps laid, and turned the warm on. The water drained from the opening in the tap, hitting the base of the tub, splashing up, but it began to fill. I turned to the sink, looking at myself in the mirror, seeing my hair a mess and greasy, my skin oily and tacky. I brushed a few strands of hair from my face, to see my hairline clear of the gash. I was amazed that I healed so quickly, but when I ever fell or hurt myself when I was little the next few days it would be gone like it never happened. But my parents and I didn't worry about it, we just thought it was the extent of my powers.

I sigh deeply, running my hand through my hair, my gaze turned to the raising water to see the bath half-full. I went back over to the tub, my hand running across the warm surface of water. It felt nice as the water danced across my finger tips. I twisted the knob, making the hot water stop flowing. I then began to strip down, pulling the clothes I had on for three days now, starting with my boots then made my way to my shirt. After a moment of pulling the pieces of clothes off. I was left in my bra and knickers, both plain white. I kicked my jeans away from me, before I started to unclasp my bra. My hands working gently at the bra's connectors, and I could feel the piece of clothing loosening as the connectors came undone.

Before I knew it, the three of the connectors was undone, and I dropped my arms forward, my bra following suit, leaving my torso bare. I bent down and pulled my knickers from there place. Shoving my bar and knickers to the side with the rest of my clothing.

I lifted my leg up, my foot dangling over the warm water, I could feel the heat raise from below. I descended my leg down and it hit the warm water, sending a warm pleasure through me. I lifted my other leg into the tub, before turning the right way and began to sit down. My back pressed against the cold tub just above the water line before the warm water rushed behind me, getting my back warm in a matter of seconds.

I sighed, taking in the warm water, my senses dulling ever so slightly like I was bathing in the fountain of youth. I could feel my muscles becoming less tense, my mind relaxing as I took the time to enjoy myself for once. Stressing over Rachel wasn't good for me, even though we needed to know why people were after her. It just made no sense to me or Dick.

I stared at the ceiling, my mind racing with different possibilities but they would all be wrong. I took a deep breath, trying to relax so more. Singing helped a lot when I was younger, and I hadn't sung in awhile. Haven't had the time...

I was living in the now, soaking up as much as I could before the reality of it all came at me. Like a bulldozer...


After awhile in the tub I had finally climbed out, the cold air rushed to my bare skin like wind, making me want to curl back in the tub. I wondered out of the bathroom after draining the tub, and wrapping the towel around my chest. Which covered my breasts to my knees. I walked out of the bathroom, passing Dawn and Hank's room, passing the living room and entering the spare bedroom, where fresh clothes laid on the bed, which I had placed before my bath.

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