Chapter Three: Memories

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I ran around the house, my father chasing after me as I giggled playfully. He was right on my tail. We were playing a game around the house.

"I'm going to catch you!" He states in his own manly playful tone. But before he could catch me, I could feel myself turn invisible ever so quickly. I look down to my hands to see straight through to the wooden floor below. "No fair," he chuckled as he stopped in his tracks and began to look around. I had also stopped and looked back at him, from over the couch, he took his gaze around the living room, trying to catch me out.

I giggled ever so slightly as it echoed from behind the couch and he shot his gaze over to the couch like he was looking straight at me and it felt like he was. I felt myself turn visible again as he just wore a bright smile. "Got you," I could only giggle at him before he came to me and threw me up into the air and catched me, placing kisses on my head as he tickled me.

Father and Daughter bonding....


My eyes slowly fluttered open, my vision blurred but I could make out that I was still on the pavement. I was laid flat on my stomach my head titled to the side. I groaned as I blinked trying to focus my eye sight and it was slightly working. I pushed from my hands, slowly lifting my body from the ground. I sat up, still on the pavement as I couldn't stand just yet. My arse freezing on the pavement, but I let it go for now.

I blinked again, my vision coming back to me. I lifted my hand to my forehead, and winced at the touch as I felt some substance there. I pulled back to have a look. Blood dripped down from my finger and into my palm, it was fresh. My only thought was to get home.

I slowly began to stand, the weight in my legs trembled but I could stand enough. I began to take mini steps with care, it felt like the room was spinning after a wild night out. I treaded with no sense or balance for a few moments, before I got my rhyme back in my step.

Rachel didn't do this on purpose, she was scared of what she could do and clearly she couldn't control it. But I couldn't blame her, I would have do the same in her situation. She didn't want anyone's help because she believes that she'll get more people hurt and she didn't want that.

I had now walked a few blocks and I see my house in sight, the day was coming to an end as the sky was getting darker. I rushed quicker to the house, if I wanted to find her by tonight.

I reached the porch and fiddled with my keys in my back pocket, my parents weren't home yet. My mother was a nurse and my father a sales men. The door unlocked with a few twists and turns. I pushed it open and slammed the it behind, making me way straight up the stairs. I entered the bathroom which was right at top of the landing. The mirror was place above the sink, I took a gaze in the mirror and I could see that my hair was ruffled and messy, a gash just below my hairline to the right, drained blood now stuck as a droplet below the cut. I sighed deeply as I began to clean up the mess, using the medical box mirror to get the cleaning supplies.

After a few moments of cleaning, I had used a bandage to cover my cut. I had taken some painkillers to ease the pain. I closed the mirror and looked to the sink below, blood stained the white sink. My eyes gazed of the blood, I've seen blood many times as a child. To be honest it never bothered me. I turned the tap on and swirls of water and blood mixed together before going down the drain. After a moment, the sink was now clean and white. I turned the tap off, exiting the bathroom, then entering my room which was the the right of the stairs, next to the bathroom.

I went over to my wardrobe and pulled out a overnight bag, which was big enough for clothes and other things that were important. Because finding Rachel was important  to me now...

 Because finding Rachel was important  to me now

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After awhile of packing and gathering things that I might need like bank card, cash, phone and other essentials. I had left a note for my parents to find, just letting them know where I was going and that I will be fine and will be home soon. I stood at the front door, looking back at the memories of this house, just in case I didn't make it back for awhile. I took a deep breath through the nostrils, smelling the sweet air. I nodded to myself with a small smile before opening the door and exiting the house, locking it behind me. The day was coming to night, I needed to find her soon.

I stepped down the steps of the porch and made my way down the path, leading to the street road. My mind racing with different possibilities on where Rachel would have gone. I don't think she would stay in town, she would go somewhere else. Bus station, maybe? I didn't know but it was worth the check. I picked up my pace, and had the bus station in my mind...

Awhile later, I had arrived at the bus station, luckily, there was no line, a woman looked down behind the glass, reading a newspaper. I went to the box as she had noticed me, her hair curly, her skin fair dark color. "Hey, have you see a girl about 16 come in here today. Black hair with blue streaks?" I asked, giving Rachel's most distinctive feature, which was her hair.

"Yeah, she bought a one-way ticket to Detroit. Are you her mother?" The woman asked, raising an eyebrow to me.

"No, I'm just looking for her. Can I have a one-way ticket to Detroit please," she just gave me a gaze, before printing the ticket out for me, as I gave her the right amount of cash. "Thank you," I grabbed the ticket and went to the bus stand, and with luck the bus was already in and getting people on. I was the last person in line but it wasn't a big line. Once it was my turn, I showed my ticket to the bus driver, before taking my seat, holding my bag close to me.

I hope I get there in time, if anything happens to her, I could bare the thought. I took a deep breath, knowing that she will be ok, she's a smart kid. Though my powers were only shown to my parents, all that training and all that trying to control what I have inside of me would need to come in handy now. If it came to it, I will have to show my abilities...



Just letting you all know because I am pairing with Dick, I'm not going to pair them together after three chapters, there will be ups and downs, and they might not even get together in this book. Maybe they get together in season two of Titans, in another book.

On that note, I hope you are all enjoying the book so far!!


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