Chapter Twenty-One: Escaped

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Once Gar had cleaned himself up and gotten changed, we had wondered our way through the halls. Rachel leading the group, I believe she knew where they might be holding Dick. I had also grabbed my book from the ground, I held it tightly in my hand. We came to a stop behind a door, and Rachel didn't waste anytime in opening it up. We walk into a padded cell, in the middle of the room was Dick, strapped down by the hands and legs. A strap over his head to pin him down, but he laid motionless, his expression blank.

"Dick?" Rachel began, before moving forward with Gar too release him from his restrains. "Come on. We have to go," she went on, but Dick wasn't responding, his eyes were just staring at the ceiling like he was brain dead.

"Dick?" I began to see if I could get through to him. I walked forward, coming to the side of Rachel, my eyes staring at Dick. "What's wrong with him?" I asked as he was still not responding.

"They must've given him drugs," Gar states in a cold manner, but it was more to due with the torture he must have adjured.

"They may have broken him," her Mom began, taking a few steps closer. "They do that here," she went on. But he was too strong to go down like this, he was Robin for God sake. He saved my life years ago, and I wanna talk about that. Thank him in person...

"Dick? It's me," I began, my gaze staring into his, as my hand went to his, feeling the warmth. "I need you to hear me. You are strong than them. You're stronger than anyone I've ever known. Now we have to get out of here," I gripped his hand a bit tightly, as this was getting to me. We were nothing with Dick... "We can't do that without you," I took a shaky breath as nothing was getting through to him. "You promised! You promised you never leave Rachel or I... You promised," I tried to be tough like he was, like he would be for us, but tears was clear in my eyes, glossy in the light.

"Yeah," Dick states in low tone. "I guess I did," I offered a small smile.

"Stand back guys," I told Gar and Rachel as they did what they were told. I held up my hand and a flat disc of a energy appeared out of thin air, I flick my wrist and the disc came shooting out of my palm, cutting at the restraints with ease and precision. They fell to the floor as the disc disappeared. Gar comes forward and helps Dick to stand to his feet and helps him out of the room, as I was behind them.

Once we were in the hallway, Rachel was leading us where they were keeping Kory. Once Dick got walking he was regaining himself and his balance, so he could walk on his own. We came to a door and Dick opens it and went in, I was behind him. my eyes widen in shock to see two surgeons hovering over Kory, who was tied down to a metal table, with a tube down her throat, pads that monitor her was stuck all over. It was truly a horrible site to see...

"Keep your eye on the door," Dick told us, as he rushes forward and starts to fight with the surgeons, just as the alarm in the building began to ring out. Dick took care of one and the other he had in a headlock before throwing him down to the ground. Rachel, Gar and I rush over to Kory and began to untie her from the restraints.

"Oh God," I spoke in horror as Kory was gagging on the tube in her throat.

"Kory," Dick began clearly worried for her, and felt for her what she had been through. "Oh God," he was shocked as we all were. He began to untie her the other side.

"What's the tube?" Rachel asks, as the tube as I imagine was deep inside of her.

"They intubated her," Gar began, coming up to the side of Rachel and I. "I know how to take it out. This is gonna hurt," he told Kory who nods her head. Gar took the main tubing from the mask she had around her mouth, then untied the mask and grabbed the tube within. "Ready?" He asks her, she nods her head while 'Mmm-hmm' at him.

"Hey, look at us. Look at us," Rachel states to Kory, as it was a way to comfort her. Gar began to pull a long thin tube out from her, inch by inch it came out making Kory gag on it. Inch after inch it was coming out, it was like it was never ending, but after a moment Gar pulled with last time and Kory shot up when Gar pulled it out, panting heavily.

"Kory, just relax. The spasms will stop if you relax," Gar told her, trying to calm her down, as she took of the pads on her, but I wouldn't be calm in this situation.

"You relax," she spat back at him.

"You ok?" Dick asks, which was also stupid to do.

"Fuck no," she replied as he gives her a hand off the table and onto the ground. We all helped Kory to get ready to put back on her shoes, and we were going to get the hell out of this fucking place. Rachel's mother knew a way out through a hallway, and she directed us all. The alarm blares in the distance, as we walk down a hallway, Rachel's mother as our guide.

"Come on. We can get out through there. Hurry," she states eager to leave this place as we all were. As we walk further down the hallway, we began to hear guards chatting in the distance and at the end of the hallway were two guards, facing us.

"All right. You stay right where you are," one of the guard told us, Rachel took a few steps forward, ready to fight, but her gaze went back to Dick, and she took a few steps back.

"I got this," Dick states, coming pass Rachel as I was standing to the left of her. Deep down I didn't want Dick to take care of this, he was in no fit state, but I also knew he would fight to his last breath to protect us all...

Dick had ripped a piece of metal off the wall, it had a round end on it, perfect for a weapon. He didn't waste anytime and ran at the man, using the weapon to hit them. He had one man and the other shocked him with a rod, but he overpowers him and pushes the man away, before whacking the man he had in the face with the weapon he had, blood spraying from the guys mouth and onto the wall. But I couldn't watch, I turn my head away just hearing groans and sounds. I hear Dick scream in anger and then began fighting the other guards that came this way. Screams filled my ears, and my gaze went back to the fighting for a second, but I couldn't watch. I could hear blood splattering on the environment around them, bones breaking.

Within minutes, I heard no screams nor bones breaking, but just the noise of panting coming from Dick. I turn back to face him, seeing the bodies scattered among him. I couldn't tell if some guards were dead or they were just badly hurt. Rachel began to move forward, stepping over the bodies and we followed her lead, until we reached Dick, who had blood stained on his face.

"Get out of here," he told us, Rachel nods grabbing her mother and began walking down the hallway to the exit. I pass Dick my eyes lingered on him - they were soft and felt sorry for him. His own eyes lingered on me as well, behind his eyes I could see the shame. The shame of seeing him like this, like a blood thirsty person, but that's not what I saw...

I followed Rachel and her Mom to the end of the hallway, Gar on my tail. Before I knew it we were outside, the cold air hit me, and it felt good to be outside. We walk across the grass, coming in front of the main doors of the asylum. Half-way across the yard, an explosion rang out from the building fire leapt from windows which had burst, sending glass everywhere. We all were taken by surprise by the explosion, I nearly fell over, but luckily Gar had caught me in his grip. Once we were all fine, we stare at the burning building, watching each room be filled with flames and heat, burning the fucker down. In the distance coming out of the front door was Kory, the flames did nothing to her like she was immune. She walks over to us, flipping her hair out of the way before coming in between Rachel and myself as we watched the asylum burn...

No one ever again will suffer the hand of this place. That am I sure of...



Another update guys, I so am in-love with this story, I've gotten back into it and I hope you all are enjoying this too. The next chapter I am thinking of Vanessa talking to Dick about what happened in 2016, when he saved her. I want some mushy lovey thing to go on between them and I feel bringing up the subject that she was saved by him would make the sparks fly.

- Josh(Yoshi)

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