Chapter Eleven: Roller Rink

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I had shook my head slightly, pushing the image of the woman to the back of my mind. My main focus was to get Rachel back, she must be frightened out of her mind, and that made me frightened. I pushed forward, coming to stand next to Dick, he had now dropped the phone from his ear.

"Any leads?" I asked, to his back as he turned to face me.

"Yeah, I have a lead," Dick replied with no tone in his voice. "But I want you to stay here. So, you'll be safe," he states as he turned and walked away from me. My mouth hanged a gape as he walked, but I rushed forward and grabbed his shoulder making him spin around to face me.

"I'm not staying here because you fear for my safety. I promised Rachel I'll be there for her until we figure this out, and I'm not stopping now!" My voice raised at him, as he was taken back by my outburst.

"Fine. Come on," was all he said, as he turned and walked for the exit of the hospital, making me follow hot on his tail. But my mind had went to the mystery woman. I had no idea who she was, and I've never seen her. Plus, my powers were acting weird or I was gaining new powers that I didn't have before I met Rachel.

What was happening to me....


We had gotten on the road fairly quickly as Dick had information where the last known place Rachel was, but he wasn't tell me much about it. I sat in the passengers seat, my eyes trained on the road ahead, as we was going pretty fast.

"So," I began. "Are you going to tell me more about this lead?" I asked, my eyebrows raised, as I cast my gaze to the side of his face.

"The police station I work at called, saying that there was this intruder at Rachel's house. An African-American female with magenta hair," I froze as he spoke, my mind casting back to that image of that woman. But now wasn't the best time to mention that. "They found a match for her at a gas station up here off of the 495,"

"So, someone else is after Rachel?" My voice full of disbelief, as I couldn't believe it, she was only a kid, she shouldn't be going through this. But yet she was, and here we are going to find her. I was hoping that she was going to be okay... 

We drove in silence all the way up to the gas station, the air calm and sort of relaxing. More snow started to appear in my sights as it hadn't started to fully melt yet. As we neared the station, we saw police lights, and people dotted around the site. Dick turns sharply into the station. Before we came to a halt, I look to my left to see a wide hole in the side of the where the bathroom used to be. The bricks burnt, and chalked to death, I frowned as I wondered what could possibly do that?

"Stay here," Dick's voice came to ear as he opens the door and leaves, before I could protest. I crossed my arms over my chest as I watch Dick investigate the crime scene, before he came to the body bag and stared at the person in it. Before wondering off inside the station, to see if he can get anymore information. Well, I can have a little ten minute nap...


My eyes began to flutter open, as I hear the hard purr of the car engine as I had noticed we were now driving. I took my gaze sloppily to the side, to see Dick driving, his hands grip hand on the wheel, it looked like it would break off. 

"How long have I been asleep?" I had asked Dick, as I wipe a strange of brown hair out of my face. 

"Only a few hours," he replied bluntly, as he didn't take his gaze off the road. 

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