Chapter Ten: Kory Anders

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I dropped my hands as I was now safe, the force field dispersing until nothing was left like it hand't been here at all. I had a deep feeling that we would see that family again. But my mind went to Rachel, she's been kidnapped. I turn my gaze to Hank to see he was knocked out, then I look to the now empty dove cage.


I thought as I ran to the edge of the roof, behind the cage, seeing Dawn laid on her back, her breathing shallow and short. I frown with worry, before climbing on the edge of the building. Getting my balance as I stare down below, I bent my knees and jumped forward. Gliding through the air for a moment before I extend my hands diagonal as a force field encircled me in a ball. I fell to the ground in the protective ball. Once I hit the ground the ball bounce off the ground slightly making me wobble onto the ball floor, as it rolled forward. The force field ball came undone as I rolled to Dawn. I felt the cold ground as I was knelt beside her.

I couldn't plan for a better landing if I tried. I thought to myself as I looked over Dawn, blood dribbled down the side of her cheek, as he eyes finally opened.

"Dawn," my tone shaken as I looked her over, blood stained on her cheek, as she tried to take in a breath but it seemed like she was hurting inside. "Hold on," my hand rested on her shoulder. Tears forming within my eyes. "I  should have done more," my voice tore as I saw her in this state. It was my fault, I should have used my powers before he threw her off.

"You did all you could," her voice sounded sore, and it was hard for her to speak

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"You did all you could," her voice sounded sore, and it was hard for her to speak. But I shook my head knowing I could do more.

"No, I could have done more and now I'm not holding back," my voice strong, and meaningful. As she looked slightly confused on what I meant, but she had no time to process as her breathing went shallow.

Suddenly, I heard the metal stairs chiming with the heavy stomps with whoever was coming down. I turn my head to see Dick jump over the railing landing on a container of some kind, before jumping off of that and running towards us. Before coming to a halt at the right side of me, where Dawn's head laid.

"Dawn. Dawn. Hey," he states, as he held her shoulder and looked over her. She began to gasp for breath, as I stood from kneeling, letting Dick take over. "Dawn. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay," he repeated to her, letting her know that she was going to make it.

I couldn't bare to see her like this or anyone else in that matter. Tears roamed my face freely, I was always an ugly crier. "I'm dying," Dawn replied to her, her breathing slowing, gasping for more air, but none entered. She began to gasp even more, Dick and I looked worried.

"Dawn!" Dick shouts as he breathing stopped. "Dawn!" He shouts again, as he began to do CPR on her, trying to keep her alive. But was it enough? Tears fell from my cheeks as I watched, feeling helpless at this moment in time. I look down to my hands to see them start to turn invisible. My eyes widened...

I can't go through this again!


I won't lose control!

I focused on getting Rachel back, and keeping her safe, not letting her out of my sights. My hands began to become visible, slowly, but they become full visible after a few seconds...

Keeping in control is all I have...


Luckily, Dawn had been taken into hospital just in time. The Doctors stabilised her and placed her in a private room. Tubes and wires were all over her. A tube down her throat to help her breath, wires over her hands to read her status. Hank sat in a chair which was pulled next to the hospital bed. I stood outside the room, looking through the window in the door. Tears fell freely down my cheeks as I watched. I couldn't believe what happened with Dawn, I should have acted sooner, or stood my ground.

I crushed my hands into fists, biting my bottom lip, controlling my anger --which was boiling up inside--hoping that she would pull through this. I closed my eyes swiftly as I didn't want to see Dawn like this anymore, hoping this was just a dream and I would wake up soon. But I know what reality was like...

Just then, I could feel a presence next to me, I peeled my eyes open to see Dick standing beside me, peering into the room via the window. I was still mad at him, but I couldn't shout at him right now, his friend was laying in a hospital bed, hurt. I bit my bottom lip, as I turned my gaze back to Dawn.

After a few moments of silence and staring into the room. Hank had turned his head to the door, seeing Dick and I waiting outside. Hank shifts as he stands and heads our way. I wiped the tears from my face as he pulls the door open and stands in front of us, in the hallway.

"Hank, I'm sorry. If I hadn't--"

"Who were they? Hank had interjected Dick before he could have finish. "What the hell do they want with Rachel?" Tears were fully visible in his eyes, but he was staying strong for Dawn and himself.

"I don't know," Dick replied as he looked to Hank before moving his gaze to Dawn. I also looked, tears filling my eyes once again.

"Can I go in?" I asked, my gaze turning to Hank, as his eyes turn to me, giving me a slight nod of the head. I pushed the door open and walked inside. Dawn's breathing was steady, she was unconscious but stable. I came close to the edge of the bed, as my eyes went from the top of her head and down her.

I sat down on the chair which was behind me but sitting right on the edge so I could touch Dawn. I placed Dawn's hand into mine, as I rubbed the back of her hand, hoping it was comforting her.

"I'm so sorry Dawn," I replied my voice soft and it felt like I was going to break down. My eyes drifted from her and I looked down to her hand, trying to keep it together. I took a deep breath, a warm tingly feeling emitted at my hands. Our hands were connected a faint purple glow emitted in between our palms.

I look at the faint glow with wide eyes as I've never done this before, and I didn't want to let go in case it was something that could help Dawn pull through this. I watched with anticipation, but after a few seconds of it glowing, nothing happened. The glow became dimmer, until it was out like a light. I held a confused face, but I couldn't think it about it anymore as I heard the door open. I turn my gaze, my hand lifting from Dawn's, as Hank entered the room, his face full of sorrow. I stood from the seat, letting Hank have a sit down.

"Take care of her Hank," my eyes met his, which held water, not wanting a tear to drop. He could only muster a nod of his head before looking back at Dawn. I headed for the door, my eyes peered through the glass, to see no sign of Dick. No Dick, means nothing good...

Once I was outside, I peered to the right looking in that direction to see if I could see him, but he wasn't there. Just Doctors and a few patients. I took my gaze to the left direction, to find him at the end of the hallway, his phone to his ear, talking to someone. Maybe a lead on Rachel even.

My heels clicked against the marble floor as I headed down to Dick. His back was still turned on me, but I guess who knew I was coming.

As I walked down the hallway, I blinked for a split second. A clear image had gotten into my view, it was a African-American woman, with bright curly magenta hair. It was clear as day, her lips were coloured a darkie purple. My eyes opened back to the hallway, I had stopped in my tracks without even realising it. Though I had blinked, I could still see her in my mind's eye, clear as day.

Why the hell did I just receive a mental image of a woman? Why now? Why after Rachel been taken? What the hell is happening too me?

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