1. Fridays are the best

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Eve rolled out of bed with a growl. It's Friday, it's the Friday before her graduation from high school and it's also the first Friday of being legal. Being 18 and old enough to be able to do anything she wants, well almost anything she wants. But the best part of this Friday, the best part of this Friday over all the other Fridays she has had is that today her big brother is coming home.

He has been away at school for too long and she has missed him. Four years is just way too long to only see him on holidays and the occasional weekend. She was so pissed at him when he said he was leaving for a school halfway across the country and after he left she refused to talk to him for almost a month. Yet when he got in a car accident, she freaked out calling him crying, telling him how sorry she was and missed him and excuse her for being a bitch.

He of course being the loving brother he is, just laughed saying it was fine. He knew she was a bitch but glad he got in a car accident for her to realize it.

But none of that mattered now, because he was coming home. He was coming home and staying in their house for the summer while he looked for an apartment with his girlfriend and some other friend that was coming with him.

Grabbing her phone she quickly hit 3 on her speed dial waiting impatiently for him to answer, "Ethan Kyle Heyes where are you?" Eve pretended to yell into her phone as she picked out some clothes to wear for the day.

"Well Eve Caya Heyes I am driving in a car down a road." He smirks, making Eve roll her eyes.

"Seriously when are you getting here big brother. I am more than ready to see you." she tells him holding up a shirt and debating if she wants to wear it. "I mean, I haven't actually seen you in person since last Christmas. I miss my big brother." She pouts sitting on her bed.

"Well just think you are going to spend so much time with me that in a couple weeks you will want me gone." Ethan teases.

"Oh never; you left me alone for four years. I will not want you gone."

"Hey I left you with mom." He objects and can honestly see her roll her eyes.

"Ok you left me with mom. Mom who works all the time and never really home. Having mom here is completely different from having my big brother." She explains and though she loves her mom, they actually got close after Ethan left but it didn't change that she needed her brother. Ethan was 4 years and 4 months older than Eve. But even with the age gap, they are extremely close. Growing up you never really saw one without the other and best friends don't really describe their friendship. They trust each other with everything; never lie to each other and mainly because the other knows when they are. Eve knows when Ethan is lying to her by his hands shoveling in his pockets and the way he moves from side to side. Ethan knows when Eve is lying because she bites the inside of her cheek and plays with anything by her, like she will fiddle with her keys or play with her shirt hem. They know everything if anything and have each other's backs no matter what.

"Well I will be home soon. We have some stops to make before getting there so just be that good little sister I know and wait ever so patiently. But you know what would be very awesome of you?" he asks and Eve just rolls her eyes with a what, "Well you see I love you so very much like you are the best little sister in the whole world." He says and Eve hears the people in the background laughing.

"What do you want Ethan?" Eve asked falling in her bed and pulling up her jeans putting her phone between her shoulder and ear.

"Well I was hoping maybe..." Ethan starts but hears a crash and a mumbled shit, "E, you ok?" he asks, hearing some moving around until she came back on.

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