2. You again?

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With a smile still plastered on her face Eve arrived home. Yet when she saw her brother's car that smile was turned into a completely different one. Not the 'I just made out with an insanely hot guy smile but my big brother is home YAY!' Smile. She all but jumped out of her baby blue Volkswagen beetle and took off towards the front door.

"Ethan?!" she called through the home, "Ethan where are you?!" she yelled and jumped with excitement when she heard some laughing outside by the pool and took off, "Ethan!" she squealed, taking off towards her older brother standing with open arms.

"Hey Eve." He smiled getting tackled by his baby sister with a hug. He picked her up off the ground spinning her around as she still squealed.

"I missed you so much!" she said and that excitement and squealing turned into watery eyes and a single tear running down her cheek.

"You missed me but me being here makes you cry?" he teases, wiping her tear as she just smacks him on the arm, "Come here you dork." He laughed, pulling her into another hug. "I missed you too." Eve couldn't help but keep her smile, as he hugged her tight, she had missed her big brother so much and not seeing him for this long was really starting to take a toll on her, "Did you make my bed?" he grinned pulling out of the hug and getting another smack from his baby sister, "Ouch E." he cringed.

"Sorry but don't be mean to me. You are just now getting home and the first thing you say is 'did you make my bed?'" she asked with an annoyed tone.

"No the first thing I said was I missed you." he smiled proudly like he won and Eve just rolled her eyes at her dumb big brother.

"Whatever but yes I made your bed." she told him.

"Eve!" She heard someone squeal as she turned to see Sophie, someone who has become her best friend over the last 5 years.

"Sophie!" Eve yelled, letting go of her brother and running over to his girlfriend hugging her tight.

"Well I feel loved." Ethan pouted, making both Sophie and Eve laugh at him.

"Ethan come get your shit out of my car!" they all heard someone yell.

"Dude I'm coming!" Ethan called back, "Eve I will be right back." he tells her kissing the side of her head before walking back into the house.

"Umm...who is that?" Eve asked Sophie pointing to where her brother just walked off too.

"Oh that's just your brother's BFF. Honestly if I didn't know any better I would assume they are dating since they are together all the damn time." Sophie says with a laugh making Eve laugh, "So tell me about the boy?"

"What? What boy?" Eve asked not sure how Sophie could always do that.

"Oh come on you have the biggest dumbest smile I have ever seen. That only means two things you either had some amazing sex or you met an amazing guy. So which one would it be?" she teased kinking her eyebrow at Eve who just smiled even bigger.

"Well I had no sex today but there is a guy. A really cute one and super great. You may know him." she smiles, waving Sophie closer so she could whisper in his ear, "His name is Ethan." She smirked making Sophie laugh, "Now I know he is a little retarded and sometimes very annoying but I love him."

"You're so stupid."


"Dude where the hell have you been?" Ethan asked walking out of his house over to his best friend's car.

"I was giving you and Sophie your alone time like you asked." He shrugged, grabbing his bags and handing them to Ethan, "But man I am glad I did, I met a girl."

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