16. He's back

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"You have the cutest laugh," Jaxx mumbled against Eve's lips as they were alone in the kitchen.

"Well thank you," she couldn't help but laugh again making him smile. "I think you have the cutest nose," she giggled giving it a kiss.

"God Eve.." Jaxx shook his head dropping his head to her shoulder. "What are you doing to me?"

"What you mean?" Eve asked rubbing her hand slowly up and down his neck. "I'm not doing anything, well I'm not meaning to," she shrugged kissing his neck feeling guilty if she upset him.

"I'm crazy about you," he whispered against her shoulder and her heart tightened in her chest. "You know that don't you?" he pulled back to look at her and a gentle smile graced her face.

"Yeah I do," she bit her bottom lip really knowing he cared about her.

"They are back a day Eve and I'm having trouble controlling myself around you. How am I supposed to from now on?" he asked and she shrugged really not knowing how.

She knew it was hard, Ethan and Sophie had only been home a day and she found that she really couldn't stand being around Jaxx and not touching him. It seemed to come second nature to her now that if he was next to her she just had to touch him. It wasn't even a sexual urge just like want to hold his hand, touch his leg or play with his hair, something. And Ethan and Sophie being back, she had to stop herself all the time and she knew Jaxx did the same.

"We just have to be smart."

"I know that and I tell myself that all the time but when I'm around you Eve, I become so unsmart," he told her and she giggled.

"That's not a real word, Broody."

"See? I can't think right," he played with her hair. "It's quite annoying."

"I don't mean to annoy you," she gave a playful frown that made him let out a dry laugh shaking his head.

"You do know you might just be the death of me right?" he questioned and she gave such an innocent smile he can't help but laugh.

"But I'm worth all the unsmartness and possible death right?"

"Sadly yes," he admitted and she giggled, grabbing onto his face and pushing her lips back into his. Jaxx's slipping his arms around her small waist as she sat on the counter, slipping his mouth into her mouth, it not staying their long enough before hearing a noise. "Ugh..." he groaned pulling back to rest his head against hers. "That was their door wasn't it?"

"Yeah," she slid her hand through his hair and he nodded giving her a final peck before heading back to his room. His door not even being shut a moment before her brother and best friend wandered into the kitchen.

"You're up early," Ethan yawned, walking over to the fresh pot of coffee and pouring a cup for him and Sophie.

"Yeah, I've had trouble sleeping the last few nights," she told him, tossing a glance at Jaxon's door before looking back at her cup. Never admitting she actually spent the last few days and night in his best friend's bed doing anything but sleep and by last night after they ate dinner she was so exhausted she was asleep by ten and slept like baby until seven this morning where she skipped down the stairs to again crawl into bed with his best friend. They didn't do anything, just cuddled and talked before moving into the kitchen to make some coffee and some cereal but it was still nice. She liked talking to him and she was loving this cuddling thing.

"Everything alright?" Sophie asked and she nodded, lifting her bowl of cereal that had turned soggy back up and taking a bite.

"Just thinking about college and all that stuff," she shrugged, swallowing the flakes and realizing they weren't as good if she wasn't sharing them with Jaxon.

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