5. The fire between

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"Jaxx we can't." Eve said instantly when Jaxon took her hand in his. She knew what he was thinking; she felt it the way he kissed her that he was trying to almost convince her to rethink everything.

"We could." Jaxon raised an eyebrow at her, pulling her back to him, "If you wanted too, we could." He grinned, spinning her around so she was up against the brick wall behind them.

"Doesn't matter Jaxx; Ethan would not at all be ok with this, any of this." Eve shook her head trying to ignore the tingling feelings she got from Jaxon's hands on her hips pulling her lower half closer to him.

"But I liked you before I knew you were Ethan's sister so shouldn't that mean something? I mean doesn't that kinda... I don't know, change the rules some?" He asked stepping even closer to her so his body was right against hers, giving her the cutest little pout.

"You make it hard, Broody Boy." Eve admitted as Jaxon ran his thumb up her neck tilting her head to the side as he started to kiss along it, "Really hard." She gasped out as he started to suck right on her pulse making it race, "Jaxx..." She breathed out as he ran his hands down her back side.

"We could keep it quiet." He suggested moving his kiss to the other side of her neck, "Not tell anyone. Just me and you."

"Just us huh?" Eve started to debate it, really enjoying the feeling he was giving her. Not having felt like this in a really long time.

"Yeah Pretty Girl, just us." Jaxon said, pulling off her neck to look at her, "So what you say?"


"Eve you slut!" Eve heard getting cut off from giving Jaxon an answer, as he takes a step back turning towards the end of the alley, wiping his bottom lip.

"Oh umm hi Cindy." Eve shook off her feelings on Jaxon turning to her favorite redhead, who was moving down the alley to her hoping she missed how close Jaxon was to her.

"Hi Cindy? I have been looking everywhere for you and after being MIA for like a week you say hi Cindy?" Cindy asked, crossing her arms over her chest not knowing what was going on with her best friend. She knew Ethan was home, she knew Eve was around her brother so much since she had gone through so much and missed him so much but that doesn't change she hadn't seen her friend in what seemed like weeks, "Who are you?" She asked looking over at the blonde boy standing a little ways away from them.

"Oh Cindy, this is Jaxon. He is Ethan's friend, their roommates." Eve explained.

"Friend huh?" Cindy tossed a look back and forth between the two wondering why his friend that she has never met was outside with a certain sister.

"Yeah he kinda sorta just saved me from Daniel." She told her and saw how her friend started to nod, giving her an apologetic smile.

"Eve I'm sorry. I didn't know he was still bothering you." Cindy apologized, really hating Daniel. She tried to keep him away from her best friend all during school but sometimes it was hard and after a while he kind of left her alone.

"It's fine. I'm fine." Eve said, giving her friend a smile.

"Well I'm Cindy." She introduced sticking out her hand for the blonde who was standing a little quiet beside them.

"Hi I'm well Jaxon." He told her again, shaking her hand and giving her a smile, "It's nice to meet you."

"You too." Cindy grinned, taking him in. He was really hot and he definitely screamed a fun time, "Oh I love when Ethan brings home friends." She smirked, running her eyes over Jaxon. She was almost positive that all of Ethan's friends were hot as hell. He had brought some over before, like for a long weekend, or a holiday but she would admit Jaxon really took the trophy for being the best looking.

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