21. Fighting

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"Go away..." Jaxx groaned burying his face in the sweet scent of strawberries. The light suddenly glaring into his room making his eyes burn.

"Eve..." a hand slapped her leg making her groan.

"Five more minutes," she curled her body into the boy beside her, the sleep slowly taking back over her.

"No, you need to wake up now!" Sophie snapped tossing a glance at the door back to the couple laying all snuggled on the bed. "Evelynn!" she grabbed the edge of the sheet giving it a tug and suddenly revealing two barely covered bodies.

"Jesus Christ Sophie," Jaxon rolled over searching for something to cover himself with. "What is your problem?"

"My problem is that it's almost ten in the morning and as hard as I try I can only keep your brother in his bedroom for so long!" she reminded them watching the realization slap both the people in the face.

"Shit!" Eve freaked, jumping from the bed and grabbing her clothes. "Why didn't you wake me sooner?" she tugged her hair in a ponytail freaking out.

"Right this is my fault," she waved her hand around the room shaking her head. "You sneaking into Jaxon's bed, fooling around with him and forgetting to wake up is my fault. Obviously this is my fault!" she tossed her hands up annoyed. "It's like dealing with children..." they heard her grumble before walking out and slamming the door. Both staring at the door before glancing back at each other and breaking into a laugh.

"I do kinda feel like I live with my parents," Jaxon admitted stretching his arms over his head and resting back on his back. "I mean being quiet during sex, sneaking my girl in and out of my room...Just like high school...Just you know now a constant girl," he teased and she rolled her eyes scuffing at him.

"Oh shut up," Eve grabbed the sheet from the floor and threw it at him.

"But..." he crawled down his bed to reach her at the end. "None of the girls were as gorgeous as you," his arms circled around her waist kissing the side of her head.

"Nice recovery," she playfully rolled her eyes as she slipped back on her socks and clothes.

"Do you know how painful it is to watch you put clothes on? Like watching a present get wrapped knowing you can't play with it for a while."

"Jaxx!" she squealed as he yanked her back on his bed. "I have to go...."

"Nope stay," he slipped his hand down her body to start undoing her pants.

"Jaxx...Ethan...Sophie is right, she can't keep him busy for long..."

"Damn parent rules," he growled nipping her bottom lip before rolling back.

"I'm sorry Boyfriend," she patted his chest as she climbed off the bed. "You can unwrap me later..."

"Promise?" he raised a brow and she giggled throwing him a wink before slowly opening the door and slipping out of it. "Ugh!" he growled rolling on his stomach and burying his face in his pillow. "I hate my life..." he growled wishing more than anything he had his own place at this moment.


"Seven..." Sophie giggled as she held her boyfriend's hand and they strolled down the sidewalk.

"Yes seven...I think that is a solid time frame..." he nodded pleased with that answer.

"Baby I'll be thirty..." she stated like he wasn't aware of this.

"So...." He spun her to face him with a smile. "Thirty or ninety you will be just as sexy," he smirked leaning down to give her a sweet kiss.

"True...but you don't you want to marry a sexy me before I'm old and wrinkly?" she questioned thinking Ethan's little life plan was a little too far in the future. "I mean I want babies...lots of them and I don't want my first when I'm thirty..."

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