20. Just us

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"Oh my god we are screwed!"


"No you're right we are worse than screwed! We are below screwed!" she threw her hands up as she paced the kitchen.

"Pretty Girl..." he resisted the chuckle watching her move. Yes of course this moment wasn't funny, it was far from it but watching her pace, watching her freak out and to all but curse the end of the world it was kinda funny.

"I mean there is screwed, there is below screwed and there is us!"

"Baby relax..."

"Think about it Jaxs," she spun to face him. "Sophie knows!" she yelled in a hush tone. "Sophie knows which means it's a matter of time Ethan knows and when Ethan knows then...then we are dead!"

"Now that's a little dramatic," he let out a dry laugh sliding off the counter and walking over to her. "Alright," he placed his hands on her shoulders to stop her pacing. "Breathe..."

"Jaxs I can't-"

"Shh..." he hushed, placing his finger to her lips. "Just breathe ok?"

"Breathe..." she pulled in a deep breath to calm herself before releasing it.

"That's it, just breathe for me," he ran his hands up and down her arms trying to relax her. "It's ok, everything is ok," he promised and her eyes slowly fluttered up to look at him.

"What are we going to do?"

"Nothing," he brushed her hair back. "We aren't going to do anything because we aren't doing anything wrong. I hate hiding us like we are supposed to be ashamed of it or something. I'm not ashamed of being with you."

"I'm not ashamed either Jaxx but it doesn't mean we can ignore all this. We did choose to hide us, yes things have changed since the beginning but we did and then we just...we got in so deep and now it worse because we lied to them Jaxx."

"I know...I know we did."

"And that is what he will hate, that is what will hurt him the most. Ethan and I never lie to each other. Ever. We are honest with each other about everything and his life is spent taking care of me."

"It's not like I'm the boogeyman, Eve," Jaxs frowned. "Yes, my past is...not great. Yet it's not like I'm going to hurt you."

"I know that," she fell into his touch with a sigh. "But we both know Ethan...he doesn't know that," she frowned hating to admit it but knowing it was true. "He thinks even the best of people will hurt me."

"Maybe...maybe we should just talk to Sophie," he frowned and Eve nodded. "I mean she didn't freak out. She just...she went back upstairs so maybe we could talk to her before she says something to Ethan. Explain what is going on, that it's not just some game or anything. Get her to understand what you mean to me."

"Get her to understand that you love me?" she peered up at him under her lashes and he slowly nodded.

"Yeah Pretty Girl," he brushed her hair back and dropped his forehead against hers. "I don't want to lose you Eve. I feel like I just really got you and I don't...I'm not ready to give you up..."

"I don't want you too," she chewed her lips looking at him. "But I'm afraid when it comes to it that I might lose you."

"No, you won't," he told her quickly, sliding his hand down to her neck and lifting her to kiss him. "I swear you won't," he promised, lifting her up on the counter as her arms snaked around her his neck, his tightening around her slim waist smashing her body against his.

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