6. Graduation

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They rolled around on the bed both wrestling for top and power over the other and it made Eve laugh. It was fun wrestling with Jaxon and adding the fact he was so desperately trying to kiss her it made her smile even more.

"I think I'm winning." Eve giggled, grabbing his hands and holding them above his head making him smile.

"Definitely not Pretty Girl. You are far from winning." Jaxon in one quick motion flipped her over on her back so he was once again on top this time her arms pinned above her head.

"But you are supposed to let me win." She pouted, pushing out her bottom lip looking at him.

"Oh I will never let you win baby." He grinned, dipping his head down and giving her a kiss. His hands slowly released from her wrist sliding down her arms and body until stopping at her hips rolling over on his back bringing her on top of him as they kissed.

"You're letting me win." Eve smirked against his lips holding onto his jaw with her small hands as they kissed.

"I think we are both kind of winning right now." He mumbled, really enjoying this kissing thing. He would admit that kissing wasn't his thing. He actually has been with girls, slept with them and never once kissed their lips because to him it was too personal. Made girls get too attached to the situation yet with Eve he wanted her attached. He wanted her to feel something for him and why he had no clue but he did; he wanted it bad.

"Jaxx..." She slowly pulled away to look at him, "Would it be ok if we waited to do that?" She asked knowing what he wanted, knowing what she somewhat promised to be yet she wasn't ready for that. She honestly hadn't had sex since her baby and though she was comfortable with Jaxon she really did want to know him a little longer.

"It's more than ok." He smiled seeing the relief wash over her face, "We wait and just let it happen when it's supposed to happen."

"Ok." She nodded leaning in giving him a small kiss, "That sounds like a pretty great plan."


Eve stretched her hands high above her head before rolling out of her bed. She slept well; she slept fantastic because after her night of rolling around with Jaxon really did make her tired even if it was just playing around. She had a feeling she was in trouble; like serious trouble with that boy because she has known him a week and has feelings she shouldn't right now.

Now it's nothing crazy; she isn't like one of those a guy is nice to her and shows interest and is now all stupid in love or some crazy b.s like in the movies but she does have a crush. He is cute how could she not; plus he is one hell of a kisser. She seriously just let him lead the whole time because the way his lips moved and tongue danced was like nothing she has ever had before and she has made out with lots of guys. Yet on her list Jaxon Shae O'Connor was her favorite; was the best.

"I'm hungry." She mumbled to herself running her hand through her hair and looking around her room. Jumping out of her bed she brushed her teeth, brushed her hair and skipped down the stairs to the kitchen to start some coffee. Now she was just waiting for big brother to get up so he could start breakfast because cooking; yeah she couldn't do it.

"Morning." The husky voice went through her ears as two arms circled around her waist.

"Morning." She grinned as his lips brushed against her neck, "Mmm..." She spun in his arms catching her lips against his, "Morning." She smiled, pulling out of their kiss.

"Slept well?" Jaxon asked, looking her over wondering how it was possible she looked better in the morning with nothing on then when she was all dressed up. Don't get him wrong he thinks she is gorgeous no matter what but she does look amazing in the morning.

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