10. Movie night

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"Hello Bubba," Eve skipped into her kitchen to find her friends, well her friends and Jaxon.

"Eve," he gave her a skeptical look over. "Where have you been?" He questioned knowing his little sister had not been around all day.

"I just went to a movie," she shrugged, opening the fridge for a drink.

"That lasted since this morning?" His brow creased looking at her.

"No," she shook her head, taking a sip of her drink. "Movies don't last that long Bubba, maybe out in Cali but not in old Beckinsdale," she teased, making him roll his eyes.

"I'm not stupid Eve but you left this morning and now coming in almost ten, yesterday you didn't come home at all and the day before that you went off on Cindy and went missing again returning home late and you have been annoyingly chipper the last few days," he pointed out not at all getting it.

"You know that only means one thing," Sophie smirked against her cup.

"What?" Jaxon chimed in, tossing a glance between Eve and Sophie.

"Nothing," Eve shrugged, biting her bottom lip knowing this was exactly how she wanted it to play out. So she has been with Cole, all day yesterday and all day today and she hasn't mentioned she was seeing someone to them because she didn't want to be obvious about it, didn't want Jaxon to catch on because she wasn't stupid, she knew he was good at games.

The last few days have been slightly harder then she thought though. She thinks the whole not really giving him attention would be a lot easier if he didn't live downstairs from her, if she didn't pass him in a towel the other morning or him walking around casually in just a pair of boxers and gym shorts, yeah all that would be a lot easier.

Stuff with CJ was going pretty well, the hung out and he was still just the best friend she loved yet it was nothing more. It would never ever be anything more and they both knew that. Bella thinks that's why it was best to pick him, he was attractive, caring, sweet, and just her best friend. Honestly picking Mouth would have been easier because she didn't have to worry about the Cindy thing, Cindy liked CJ, Eve was almost positive but if she wasn't going to admit it whatever. Cindy can throw herself at Jaxon and not care about Eve's feelings then she could do the same with CJ.

"Eve am I right?" Sophie corked a brow and Eve smiled more. "I knew it," she grinned spinning on her feet and over to the table to eat her dinner.

"Right about what?" Ethan asked, tossing a glance at his friend that looked just as confused as him.

"I'm going to go change," Eve ignored them, leaning over and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "When I'm done are we going to do our movie night?"

"Movie night?" Jaxon questioned, feeling a little relieved when Eve looked at him. They hadn't shared actual eye contact in what felt like days and it was driving him insane. He tried to be standoffish to her, he felt like he was being watched more by Sophie but he would admit it was harder then he liked. Then the fact she stays out all day where he can't see her it actually bothered him a lot more than he cared for.

"Yeah," Eve plastered a smile on her face. "Since we were little Tuesday nights Ethan and I would watch about a million movies and watch them until morning and then skip sleep and get breakfast super earlier."

"Actually I would skip Sleep, Eve here would pass out after about the third movie," he teased dropping his arm over her shoulder. "But yeah E I'm ready, go change and get ready and I'll make your popcorn."

"Extra butter," she reminded him.

"Yeah I know," he laughed, squeezing her shoulder and releasing her.

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