That Smile

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I watched as my Izu followed me through the compound and smiled, it was so nice to smile, especially after what I've done to him. 

I see a group of children and push my Izu towards them, "Go on Izu. You can go play with them, they're your cousins," he looked at me and smiled before running off.

Inori pulled me to a tea table near the area, "So. How'd it happen?"

"Well Izu was playing with his friend Katsuki in the woods and the Katsuki just came up and bit up him."

"What's the second gender of this Katsuki?"

"Well he hasn't presented yet... but most definitely alpha."

"Well if neither of them have presented yet it shouldn't be hard to reduce the after effects of the bite."

"That's good I don't want my Izu to go through anything even smiliar to what I had to."

Inori turned to me, "Of course not. I can't believe that happened to my little sis, if that happened to her son as well I could never forgive myself."

I smiled at her, "Of course you wouldn't"

Her mouth dropped, "Oooooh you haven't changed at all since you've been gone."

"Well you'll see since I'll be staying here for a while."

Inori laughed a little, "I'm glad," I turned to her, "I'm glad your back. It just wasn't the same without you. I'm glad that your little Izuku can play with his cousins and I'm glad you won't be leaving again."

I lowered my head and laughed, "Yeah I don't know why I ever left in the first place."

She smiled at me her green hair a shade lighter then mine catching the light, shining, "Me neither."

We spent a little bit just sitting and watching Izuku playing with Inori's little girls, they both has dark brown hair and green eyes. I watched as they summoned animals and made flowers bloom with their quirks. It was comforting especially when Izuku smiled like nothing had happened and had been raised here his whole life.

I drank tea and looked at all the people that flowed through the area, almost all of them had brown, black, green, or white hair and eye colors of similar shades. I got a few waves from my own cousins and aunts and uncles. I hope Izuku will like the compound it is where we'll live until I find a reason to leave, which is unlikely.

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