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"Kay sweetie, let's have a closer look at that mark," I moved closer to little Izuku's bite.

"Okay, not too deep, minimal gland punctures, only fangs and front teeth," I took a swab out from the case as I kept poking at the wound, it had already started to heal but the problem is how to remove the alpha venom.

I swabbed some of the oil closest too the puncture wound and dropped the sample into a bottle to send for testing.

"Hey Auntie," Izuku asked.

"Yes sweetheart?"

"What are you doing?"

"I'm checking to see if there will be any residing affects from the bite."


I looked down at his big green eyes, full of curiosity, "Well I specialize in the study of Alpha, Betas, and Omegas, more specifically the nature of the mating bite. I help people who didn't want to be bitten get rid of their bite or help erase bites. With this sample," I held up the bottle, "I can determine the best way to remove your bite and leave you open to choose your mate."

"Oh," his math formed an o, "okay." SHIT, forgot I was talking to a literal 5 year old.

"I'm gonna make sure you don't have to get mated to-toooo...."




"Well because you're young and deciding who you're gonna' spend the rest of your life with isn't a good idea." 

"I miss Kacchan though," he wrapped his hands around his waist as if giving himself a hug in someone's place.

I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him, "Don't worry about it, its a natural response to miss him, it'll fade." 

He looked up and smiled at me, "Ummm. Okay Aunt~ie."

I ruffled his hair, "C'mon lets go, I can make some Katsukdon. Your mom told me you liked it."

He put on a goofy smile and his hands in the air, "I loooooooooove Katsudon."

I looked down at him as I started to lead him out of the exam room and back to the regular part of the compound, "What else do you love?"

He smiled at me, "I loooooooooove Katsudon. I LOOOOOOOVE All Might,"  he spread his arms wider, "I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE heroes. And I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE my mommmy," he put his hands down and looked up at me shyly, "and I think I'll love it here too if mommy does."

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