The bitchy ass girl (Chapter 2)

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Saiki's POV:

It's been a week now since Yuki joined my school and she hasn't talked to anyone since her first day. All I have found out is that she actually only wears her glasses and clips because one: her eye contacts broke and two: her hair wasn't staying in place. Why am I so drawn to this normal girl!!! "Excuse me, Are you Kusuo Saiki" I turn to see a man in all black staring down at me, I was n my way from at the time of when this was happening. I nod at the man, he holds out a letter and says "Read it when you get home in your room so no one can disturb you." I give the guy a confused look as he walks off into the distance and around the corner. The coast was now clear so I teleported into my room. 

I debated if opening the letter would be a good thing to do but curiosity got the better of me. After a moment of thinking a little bit longer,  I open the letter and place it on the ground so that it was as far away from me as possible whilst staying in my room. The letter began to unfold itself and soon Yuki popped out from the letter, she quickly attempted to regain balance whilst looking around my room. Her attention was soon all on me, she tried to recognise who I was but that didn't take long. A sharp death glare darted straight at me, I could feel the anger radiating off her. Yuki slowly walked up to me "You can't be Kusuo Saiki!? you just can't be!" she started yelling at me for no reason until she finally calmed down and sat next to me, She then pulled out a note which stated "Dear Yuki Aido, I have sent you this 'little' note to tell you that you are not safe in the place you are living now so you are moving to japan to go to school like a normal girl your age and get to know people but most of all you need to find Kusuo Saiki, Rank level 2.4683752 in all abilities, wears green-tinted glasses, pink hair like yours but a bit darker and never I repeat never changes his facial expressions from confused, frowning and well his 'normal' face. once you find him, give him this note. I hope you have fun and also stay hidden. from Grand Psychic/Master."(I couldn't think of something interesting so that will do) I look over at Yuki to see that you were staring at my intensely for some reason until she hugged me. "Y-Yuki, what are you d-doing?" She soon realises what she did and apologises over and over and over. I am utterly confused, this woman shouted at me for being me now she's hugging me? This is not the girl she described herself as in class but this is the girl she is at heart I guess. "I'm so so sorry Kusuo! It's just that to finally see a psychic that isn't the grandmaster is crazy. so crazy that I kinda see you as a family to me now..." She started to go red and turned away from me. "Don't look at me like that you dickhead! I was just being nice, I am not like this at heart...I am E.V.I.L" at this moment I knew... I fucked up AND!  now I have to deal with a pissed off Yuki and my mother coming in my room in 3...2...1...My mother came running into the room with flowers and paper hearts, chucking them all over me and Yuki. "Kuu has a girlfriend, Kuu has a girlfriend!!!" Usually, I could handle this with any other girl and me but I don't know why but I grew angry at my mum and embarrassed. "I'm sorry Mrs Saiki to ask you like this but can I live with you? My parents kicked me out and told me that I should ask you If I can live with you guys." Yuki's acting skills must have been extremely good or my mother loves her to bits cause my mother instantly agreed and said that she could live with us forever. Yuki soon got up and hugged my mother and thanked her over a hundred times. "It's quite alright Yuki, be the way call me mum also...." My mum whispered the rest and Yuki started blushing like mad and agreed to whatever the whisper was and with that my mum left me and Yuki alone in my room. 

"Oh Kusuo~" I turn to see Yuki staring at me as she shyly pulls down her shirt a bit, showing her bra but then pulling it back up quickly only to slap me across the face "YOU PERVERT!" all I could do was sit back and watch as she screamed, yelled and whined at me for looking at her chest area, I soon heard Yuki mutter "At least he blushed at me, maybe he likes me..." I had went more red than I apparently already was. This is gonna be a rough time with Yuki around.

Sooooo~ what do you guys think so far? will Kuu actually get a girlfriend? what did Kuu's mother say to Yuki? all questions will be answered in the future chapters. baiiii

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