The Journey Begins

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Guess who's alive again

Thoughts - e.g *Character name: or *Dialouge
Actions - e.g *Stands up*
Talking - e.g "Hello"
Narration - e.g The plot starts here

A boy named Y/n had (H/c) hair and had just arrived from (Country) to live in Japan.

Y/n: "'s a new start. First I'll just find the apartment I got. Hopefully, it isn't too far... "

Y/n proceeds to find his luggage on the conveyor belt and gets out into the sunshine taking a deep breathe of fresh air.

Y/n:  "Ahhhh, this is a nice change to the airplane smell"

Y/n pulls out his flashy (insert phone brand) with a clear phone case attached and starts to speak to it.

"Ok Google find the apartment in Musutafu"

Google: "Okay, alerting the FBI of your whereabouts"

Y/n: "Hm? That had nothing to do with what I just said...I said the apartment in Musutafu "

Google: "Okay, found an appropriate tongue piercing research website"

*Y/n: Oh for fuck sake, I'll find it myself then

Using his sense of direction or lack of it, Y/n finds himself in a Yakuza gang hideout. He walks up to the large door with knives, blood and graffiti on it and opens it nonchalantly. Only to be met with glares from everyone in the room, some with surprised and shocked expressions as the bustling noise from before has dispersed...

Y/n: "Oh hey, mind if you could tell me where I am, cause I think I lost tra-"

Suddenly one of the members threw a right hook going for the side of Y/n's head. Thinking quickly Y/n caught his arm and delivered a palm strike towards his chest causing the guy to stumble back a little before collecting himself.

Y/n: "Woah, hey I don't wanna start a fight here." The gang then starts to inch closer surrounding Y/n with brass knuckles and some with unique quirks, from fire breathing to telekinesis to A guy with a cactus for a head

"Im just gonna leave, unless..."

The gang stops to listen to what he has to say while Y/n tries his hardest to sound really badass in this moment

"You fellas are in a rush to the graveyard"

The gang members looked at each other and.... laughed. They laughed so hard in fact that they were rolling on the floor choking, some couldn't even breathe

*Y/n: Well there goes my confidence, I'll just leave...

Which was what Y/n was about to do until what looked like a giant quill from a hedgehog stopped him before leaving the through the door. The quill being inches away from Y/n face. Y/n then looked to where it came from to see a man with one too many tattoos on his body with the same kind of quills coming from his forearms like hidden blades.

Y/n: "I assume you guys....don't know where my apartment is?"

He then shot through the door grabbing his suitcase, while leaving a cloud of dust.

Timeskip - 🏃💨🏃🏃🏃

After what seemed to be a endless cycle of running and jumping he managed to lose the gang of Yakuza by hiding in a cardboard box.

Y/n: "*pant* how *pant* the hell *pant* did that work, *gasp* *exhale* okay where am I now"

Y/n somehow during the run in with a gang managed to get to his destination

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