Sore Loser

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Death, death, death and even more death


Story Begin


The group at the top of the stairs witnessed what happened in seconds

13: "I-I'm......a failure"

Sato: "Y/ he..."

Mina sits there by 13 silently sobbing

Uraraka: "H-He has to be okay!"


13: "A-absolutely not, unless you wanna end up like Y/n you will stay put until the other teachers and All Might come. They'll save him"

*13: They have to...

Down at the battle

Midoriya: "Grrh! You bastards!"

Asui: "This is bad...."

Mineta: "I.......DONT WANNA DIE TOO!!!" *sobs*

Shigaraki brings his hands together and claps slowly

Shigaraki: "Hahaha! Some side boss he turn..."

Nomu swings his arm about to swipe at Midoriya, as Shigaraki managed to get by Asui, about to grab her face again. Thinking quickly Asui tries to rescue Midoriya by stretching her tongue out, only to be stopped by the sounds of a door bursting open and the Symbol Of Peace....stepping in

Older Y/n: "Deep in within that fear, shone a light that brightened even the darkest of corners"


All Might: "I Just Couldn't Shake The Feeling That Something Was Off When 13 And Aizawa Wasn't Answering My Calls, That's Until I Ran Into Young Iida On My Way Here And Told Me Everything"

Mineta: "WE'RE SAVED!"

Asui: "Ribbit"

Midoriya: "I-It's, him....All Might"

Shigaraki: "Well, look who finally showed up...Symbol Of Peace"

Grunt: "Holy shit, its All Might"

Grunt #2: "He's so huge!"

Grunt #3: "Shut it, both of you. If we strike now we can- Argh!"


With ease, All Might takes out all the grunts left by Aizawa and brings him to safety as he places him on the ground

All Might: "I'm Sorry Aizawa...I Should Have Been Here"

In an instant he dashes by Shigaraki and Nomu and brings Midoriya, Asui and Mineta by Aizawa and breaks of the hand covering Shigaraki's face within a second

Mineta: "....wha...What the heck?"

All Might: "Head To The Entrance, And Take Aizawa With You"

He then spots a body in the distance, immediately recognizing who it is

All Might: "Y/N! Dammit!"

*I knew that boy was reckless, but to get himself injured! Shit...Why Wasn't I Here!

Shigaraki: "Grrrh No! Nomu finish the job!"

The creature turns its head towards All Might before sprinting in the opposite direction, towards a lifeless body by a pole on the other side of the fountain. It grabs it and then flings him up in the air

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