Izuku Midoriya: Origin

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Story Begin

Kid Izuku: "Why are you being so mean Kaachan?"

A small kid with messy green hair stands in front of an injured boy clutching his stomach on the ground.

Kid Izuku: "Your making him cry Kaachan! If you keep hurting him, I-I-I'll h-have to stop you myself!"

The tiny kid then proceeded to get into a fighting stance.

Kaachan: "Hmph, you wanna pretend to be a hero...

The blonde spiky haired boy accompanied with a chubby bald kid with wings to his left and another boy with a snapback extending his fingers into the air to his right began to smile while the blonde kid slammed his fist into his palm creating a explosion. While smiling continued to say...

Kaachan: "You don't stand a chance without a quirk Deku."

The 3 boys rush towards Izuku as he only gasps in response, and in within a second the messy green haired kid was on the ground with the boy he was trying to protect trying to help.

Older Y/n: "Here's a sad reality check...All men aren't created equal, a friend of mine learnt that when he was 4 years old. But that didn't hold him back. If anything it pushed him to do better. Better than what most thought. Including me."

Midoriya is seen in an all black uniform sprinting across puddles only to stop and turn to call out to someone wearing the same uniform

Midoriya: "Come on Y/n we're gonna miss it! This is the perfect chance to get up close and personal!"

Y/n: "Dude...*puff*....do...we...*puff*....really need to run...*pant*...I mean I could see the guy from the end of this street.....*puff*...jeez I need to work on my cardio... I hate running!"

Midoriya: "Look he's right there let's go!"

Midoriya starts to Sprint again

Y/n: "Aaaaand he's off again, *sigh* I hope Inko cooks us something nice tonight."

Y/n starts sprinting after him

*Y/n: Well at least I'm excercising "Oi! Midoriya! Wait up!"

It's been 2 weeks since Y/n made it to Japan and started school but also 1 week from when Midoriya told him he was quirkless.


Y/n: "Phew, thats a rough story bro"

Midoriya: "I know...b-but I'll do whatever it takes, and I-I'll do it with a smile!"

Y/n: "I like your drive, but you seem to be really obsessed with this....All might guy huh?"

He says as he picks up one of the action figures scattered around the room and examines it

Midoriya starts to get embarrassed

Midoriya: "I-Its just that I admire him and what he does y'know. I want to ask him so many questions!"

*Y/n: This kids got a lot of determination for someone who doesn't have a quirk. Hmm, what's driving him I wonder? A crush? Recognition? Either way he's still fun to hang with since he's the only person I know here.

"Well, the future is never written, who knows maybe you'll meet him sometime"

Midoriya ponders on that thought until Y/n declares his leave

"Thank you for the hospitality, I'll go say bye to your mum and be on my way. I'll catch you tomorrow?"

Midoriya: *mumbles* "That's if you can wake up on time"

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