An Unexpected Turn Of Events

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YELLING!?!, Inspiration and a lot..... I mean a LOT of crying

Now then...


Story Begin

Older Y/n: "What I witnessed, was really satisfying, things coming full circle. The moment that changed our lives for the better"

All Might: "Young man...... you too, can become a hero"

Midoriya on his knees crying uncontrollably, while Y/n smirks from his knelt position next to Midoriya giving him the handkerchief from before

Y/n: "Just let it all out"

Y/n stands up looking back at All Might

Y/n: "Thanks All Might, he really needed to hear that. Especially coming from you"

All Might: "No need, for I will entrust, you, young man to in herit my power, for I deem you worthy" *Points to Midoriya*

Midoriya looks up from crying, and with a confused face with tears still in his eyes, while Y/n stands there also with a confused look

Midoriya & Y/n: "Huh?" "What?"


Y/n: "Wait, what do you mean...."

Midoriya: "Inherit?"

All Might starts to chuckle

All Might: "HAHAHA! You should see your faces right now! Don't worry too much. I won't force this on you. BUT THIS IS YOUR CHOICE!"

All Might begins to yell, ignoring the fact that they are in a neighbourhood


He says spewing out blood from his mouth

Midoriya at peak confusion starts to question what he means

All Might: "Journelists try to over analyse what my quirk is, saying its super strength or some kind of invulnerability. When I get ask this during interviews, I make a joke, dodging the question"

Y/n: "Well aren't you a bag full of secrets."

Midoriya: "Wait, this i-is a lot of to process, theres been a lot of debate on what your quirk is, but nobody could crack the case, it remains unsolved, making it one of the world's greatest mysteries! People everywhere are constantly talking about it! Thefactthatyoucouldpassonaquirkisconfusingtomeiveneverreadanythinglikethatbeforepowersaresupposedtobeuniquetoeveryindividualsothefactthatyoucouldgivesomeoneaquirkasapresent..."

Midoriya starts to drone on for a while

All Might:"Does.....he do this often?"

Y/n: "Well, only if he thinks too hard"

All Might: "I'll keep that in mind"

Midoriya is still droning on

All Might: "Uh....kid, think your looking a bit too much into this whole inheriting thing"

Y/n: "Its okay I got it"

Y/n then walks over to the mumbling boy and karate chops his head making him shreik in pain while rubbing his head

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