A Change In Plans

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Last time...

Bakugou Yelling, Cashier Girl, Rejected Pokemon

Now then...


Story Begin

Purple Smoke: "How intriguing, I can only spot two pro hero's here: 13 & Eraser Head. The schedule we retrieved stated that All Might should be here...seems there may have been a change of plans"

Y/n: "How is it able to talk?"

Aizawa: "So you're the scumbags that destroyed our security system and let the media inside!"

Hand Man: "Where's All Might? I went through a lot of trouble bringing some fans that were eager to meet him. Ugh! Why isn't he here, so rude of him...maybe if I kill a couple of kids he'll come out to play"

Aizawa's scarf levitated in the air, along with his hair

Older Y/n: "This left a bad taste in the mouth of UA after events of this incident, I still remember seeing the fear in everyones eyes. Something I had never experienced before"


Kirishima:" Real villains? No way...how can so many get through a facility this secure?"

Y/n: "I that purple pokemon reject probably something to do with it. Those portals look just like him"

Yaoyorozu: "Um 13, why aren't the alarms going off?"

13: "Hmmm, good question, I'm not so sure...."

*Y/n: That's not a comforting response...

Todoroki: "Is the entire school under attack? Or is it just this area. Either way there must be a reason why the sensors aren't detecting their presence, there has to be someone that has a quirk that messes with the security system. They are fools for entering this place, but they have a well thought out plan, they chose an isolated place, at the same time when a class was being held. They must have some sort of concrete objective in mind if this is the case"

Y/n: "I know what they want..."

The class instinctively look over at Y/n while he wears a calm but determined face, surprising everyone

Y/n: "When the false alarm rang yesterday, I ran into two of the villains: The Hand Man and the Purple Portal guy. They spoke of the Symbol Of Peace...which means.....they want All Might"

The class instinctively gasp

Aizawa: "Whether it was good or bad that he didn't show...it doesn't matter, 13! Stay here with the students and try to alert the main campus. Actually, if someone's blocking the sensors, then normal communication devices might not work. Kaminari! Try and use your quirk to contact the school"

Kaminari: "Yes sir!"

Midoriya: "W-what are you gonna do? There's too many of them, your quirk is more suited in stealth and one on one battles, it isn't gonna help with a group"

Aizawa: "You can't be a pro if you only have one trick"

Midoriya: !!!

Aizawa: "I'll leave it to you 13"

Aizawa then launches of the staircase into battle

*insert epic battle music*

Horn Mask Man: "Shooting Squad! Take your aim!"

Spaghetti Hair Girl: "Didn't intel say only 13 and All Might was gonna be here, who's this guy? "

Giant Green Man: "Doesn't matter, he's dead for thinking he can take us on by himself"

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