[9- Italy]

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"Focus. Focus. Focus," I repeated in my head like a chant, feeling myself slowly calm down. I was useful to no one if my head wasn't in the right mindset.

Alice called Jasper for clarification and broke the news to Bella and Jacob, the latter was unfortunately still here. While Alice explained what she saw, I mentally ran through every single plan I could physically think of.

If we got our entire family to go to Italy and stop Edward, he could hear our thoughts and think we were lying. I briefly considered the possibility of releasing a computer virus that could shut down most airports across the world, but Edward was resourceful. He would find another way to get to Italy, and maybe even causing more destruction along the way. Also I couldn't make a virus of that magnitude in a short amount of time.

The risk was too high for all these plans except one.

"There's only one viable option," I finally spoke up. I turned to Bella, "You have to go to Italy to physically stop him. You're the only one he can't see coming." Alice nodded, coming to the same conclusion.

"Let's go!" Bella said, jumping to her feet.

"Listen, Bella! We will be in the heart of the Volturi city. You will be a human who not only knows too much, but also smells too good. There's a very good chance that they will eliminate us all, though in your case it won't be punishment so much as dinnertime." Alice warned.

"If your afraid of me getting killed, don't be. I almost get myself killed on a daily basis! Tell me what I need to do!" She replied.

"You pack a bag. I'll call the airlines." Bella nodded and sprinted upstairs.

"Alice, should I go?" I asked, speaking as quickly as I could before Bella finished packing. Alice and Bella were definitely necessities on this trip but I wasn't sure about my role.

"No, it's not worth it."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't want to say it in front of Bella but there's a chance we wouldn't make it back."

"Ok, but wouldn't it improve the odds if I go with you?"

"If it turns into a fight, we'll be dead, even if you're with us. The Volturi is too strong. I don't want to bring you into this." I bit my tongue back. As much as I wanted to argue with her, Alice knew more about the Volturi and the future than I did.

We both turned towards the stairs as Bella hastily zipped up a bag.

Alice stared at me, her eyes beseeching, "If I don't make it back, tell Jasper he was the last person I thought of. Promise me you'll take care of him, you're one of the only people that can get through to him." I nodded and hugged her tightly. Alice then managed to book first class tickets to Florence in under two minutes before heading to the car.

"You should write a note to Charlie," I said as Bella came down the stairs.

"Charlie," Bella gasped, "Will he be safe from Victoria?"

"I'll stay and watch him," I vowed.

"Thank you!" she said, hugging me for a short moment. She then scrawled a message on an open notepad and raced out the door.

Jacob and Alice were locked in some kind of confrontation in front of the Mercedes.

"She'd be better off if she was left here alone, with Victoria stalking her?" Alice argued.

"We can handle the redhead," he furiously defended.

"Then why is she still hunting?" Jacob growled, and a shudder rippled through his torso.

"Stop that!" Bella shouted at them both, wild with impatience. "Argue when we get back, let's go!"

I watched from the side of the road as Alice turned for the car, disappearing in her haste. Bella hurried after her, tripping over her feet.

"El, you left your bag," Alice said, throwing my duffel in a perfect spiral towards my awaiting hands. She then stomped on the gas pedal, the tires screeching as the car disappeared from sight. Jacob scowled and disappeared into the woods.

I unzipped the bag, finding all my stuff I threw in at the Denalis and our house in Forks. Tucked in the outside side pocket was my phone. It was usually glued to my hand or in my pocket but with everything that happened, I completely forgot about it for almost 2 days.

I had dozens of missed calls and texts, all from Emmett. "El, where are you?", "Are you ok?", "I'm worried", "Please call me back." Crap, he must be so worried.

"Eleanor," Emmett gasped as he answered my call.

"Please tell me you're safe," he said before I had a chance to reply.

"Yes. I'm fine." I audibly heard a deep sigh of relief.

"What's happening? We're freaking out over here. I only caught the end of Jasper's phone call, something about going to Forks."

I told him everything I knew; from why we came here in the first place, to Alice's vision of Edward going to Italy. I skipped the part about how Alice didn't think she and Bella would make it out alive if it came to a fight. I needed to downplay the danger so they wouldn't come to Italy.

"So you're coming back to Denali?" He asked.

"I'm staying in Forks to watch over Bella's dad."

"I'll come over right now!"

"No, don't," I replied, perhaps a bit too quickly.

I backtracked, "I want you here but Esme and Carlisle need you more." I could imagine how worried they were and Emmett always knew how to brighten the mood.

"Ok," he replied, though his tone still anxious, "I ... I trust your judgment. But please be safe. You mean too much to me."

"You don't have to worry about me. I can protect myself."

"I know and it's one of the things I love about you," his velvet voice smooth.

Neither of us ended the call.

"I'll call you when I can. Love you," I said.

"Love you," he inhaled sharply and I hung up.

Later that night, whilst watching Charlie at his house, I heard a familiar voice.

"Bloodsucker." I turned and saw Jacob Black. Even though he was much taller and muscular than I was, I knew I could snap his neck before he even realised it.

"How long are you staying?" He asked gruffly.

I replied truthfully, "Not sure."

"I'm perfectly capable of watching Charlie."

"She trusts me."

"She did. Until you left." His words hurt more than I anticipated.

He continued, "Just so you know, Bella has been in a world of pain since your kind left. When this is all over, don't stick around." He then ran back into the woods.

Our conversation solidified my distaste for him. Jacob Black and his kind were my enemies. Strategically, it was advantageous that he underestimated my abilities. But personally, I wanted him to know that I could kill him in a millisecond.

Following Charlie, for the most part was straight forward. Unlike last time, when James was after Bella, my focus was on Charlie and his safety, rather than Victoria's whereabouts. He was a predictable man but I could see his routine fall apart when Bella was gone. It was the little things, like how he sat by the phone every evening instead of watching sports and naturally orientated his body towards the front of the house, just to have a better view of the street.

And finally, two long days later, I received a much anticipated call from Alice, "We're all fine and coming back home."

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