3: Who The Fuck Are You?

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"You... what?" Gio's voice drips with disbelief. I think back to the remnants of last night. I bit my tongue before deciding to reiterate what I said.

"I accused him of wanting to sleep with his sister," I say. I hear Gio, on the other line, burst out laughing. I manage to stifle my own laughter. "To be fair, he fucking deserved it." I defend. I didn't feel bad for saying it. Hell, I wish I said more. It sounds ridiculous when I repeat it, but I said what I said.

"Jesus, Alora. You have no fucking filter," he says amidst his laughter. "You have some balls. Accusing Salvatore of sleeping with his sister and calling him a misogynist."

"Eh, I don't feel bad," I nonchalantly say. "How'd everything go with Santiago?" I ask.

"Good, I guess." He starts and I wait for more elaboration. "I won't bore you with the details, but it went well." He ends with. I question the lack of detail, but I'm not complaining. I don't care for the details.

"This is why we're such a good team," I say. He handles the business aspect, while I handle the bloodsheds. Giovanni has never been fond of blood or the idea of killing. He'll do it if he has to, but I don't mind. Well, I just don't care.

"There's a huge deal going out tonight at twelve and I can't go. I don't trust those fools to carry it out smoothly, so you need to go." Giovanni informs me. I contemplate for a second. I could send someone else. Yet, I don't want them to fuck this up.

"I'll go," I willingly say. This way, I can watch over them and make sure they don't fuck everything up. They always work more efficiently when I'm there, wonder why that is.

"Good," he said. "Surprised you didn't put up a fight." He adds. I chuckle softly and roll my eyes.

"Bye," I go to hang up the phone and he swiftly stops me by saying something else.

"By the way, Salvatore may or may not stop by. Ciao!" He rushes. I'm about to tell him I'm not going, but he hangs up the phone. Shit. Worst case scenario, he spots me and I'm forced to speak to him again. Best case scenario, he doesn't see me at all. I'm not going to hide from him. I don't care if my words punctured a nerve with him yesterday. I, for one, found it fucking hilarious.
[ bye ]

"Fucking bastard," I mumble to myself. I throw my phone onto the bed and I hear footsteps approaching my bedroom.

"Is everything alright, Ms. Imari?" Mads' soft voice asks me. I turn towards her and send a fake smile. I at least try to make it look genuine.

"Yes, everything's fine. Hand me my glock, will you?" I say. She nods and rushes over to grab it. I have it in the same spot as I always do. That glock is my baby and it never leaves my side. We've gone a long way. "Is it loaded?" I ask her.

She checks the chamber and nods. "Good." I say. I reach my arm out, so she can place it in my hand. She hands me my gun and I feel relaxed when the hunk of metal is in my palm. I've always felt invincible with my gun.

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