25: Three And Three

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"Let me get this straight

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"Let me get this straight. You broke up with Salvatore and decided to cut and dye your hair?" Z asks as she hesitantly twirls her finger in my freshly blonde hair.

"Yeah. That's exactly what I fucking did," I tell her as I slap her hand away. "Stop touching my hair and go away. You're pissing me off." Pulling my hair into a secure ponytail, I shove my gun into the waistband of my boyfriend jeans; nothing new here. I bend down to the floor and tie my sneakers.

I loosen out my arm and shoulder then crack my knuckles. Bored, Z leaves my room and slams the door shut. I hear her stomping down the stairs then pure silence.

Brushing it off, I continue going over the plan in my head; Find Isabella and make her fucking suffer. That's it. That's my million dollar plan. In conclusion, I want that bitch's head on a platter. I want to hear her scream in agony and beg for her life. I want her to feel my pain... times a hundred.

Bitch fucking deserves it.

I swing open my door and peer down the stairs. Z left. Oh fucking well.

"Mads, I'm leaving. If anyone asks, I'm taking care of personal business," I tell her as I spot her dusting off a lamp. She nods and smiles.

It's too quiet here. Generally, it's never rambunctious but it's never this quiet. I can hear the cold air whooshing around and Mads' tiny footsteps. I get this eerie feeling as the hairs on my arms stand up. I look around and all my guards seem to be staring anywhere but at me. Mads is quietly humming as she dusts an already clean coffee table.

I place my hand on my gun as I lightly stroll towards the front door. My fingertips grasp the metal knob before Mads calls my name.

"Ms. Imari? You seem to be forgetting something." I hear her voice from the kitchen then a muffled yelp. Being suspicious as fuck, I almost run to the kitchen before I see Z strapped down to a chair and Mads with a gun to her head.

I see the color red as her big green eyes have a glimmer of mischief in them. I can't fucking believe myself.

"Oh Maddalena. You are so going to regret this." I hide my absolute fury with a smirk. "Lemme guess. Isabella put you up to this, no?"

"In the end, it all comes down to money. I couldn't say no to all those zeros, now could I?" Mads takes the gun off of safety and cocks it back. I know her. She's terrified of Z. She doesn't have the balls to kill her.

I inch closer to her and bring my gun into the palm of my hand. As I'm five feet away from them, I feel a gun being pressed against the back of my head. I exhale in frustration. How many fucking traitors are under this roof?

"Samuel, darling, let me handle her," Mads calmly says. She is going to handle me? That's fucking rich.

As he drops the gun from my head, I try and compose a plan. I could try and shoot Mads before she shoots Z but we have the issue of Samuel. I'd be dead before I even press the trigger. At this point, going for his balls seems like the best option. But how?

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