16: Carpe Diem

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"Hey, babe

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"Hey, babe. Haven't talked to you in a while, what's up?" I say to Adriana as I pop a seedless green grape in my mouth. I prop my feet up on my coffee table and mindlessly watch television.

"You know how I'm getting married?" She says through the phone. I nod, before realizing she can't see me.


"Well... I want you to be one of my bridesmaids!" She practically yells. Oh, a bridesmaid... That's not necessarily my thing. I hate wearing dresses and looking nice. "Please, Alora! Even though we don't talk as much as I would prefer, I've always considered you and Gio part of the family."

I sigh. "I'd be elated to be one of your bridesmaids," I say sincerely. I hear her squeal in delight and excitement.

"Yay! Okay, are you busy today?"

"No, not really," I answer. I pop another grape in my mouth and accidentally bite my tongue. "Oh, fuck you!" I curse to myself.

"Fuck you, too."

"No, not you. I bit my tongue," I told her. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Oh, I knew that. Anyway, I need you to go dress shopping today," she tells me. "I have us scheduled at three, but since you live in Philly, I know it'll take you longer to get here."

"Alright, I'll probably be late though," I inform her as my eyes are glued on the television.

"I already sent Mateo the details! See you then!" She exclaims and I hang up the phone. I set my phone face down on the couch and finish watching my show.

Wait, why did she send Mateo the details?


These past few weeks have been pretty relaxing. I haven't left my house in order to "stay safe". Which is code for "I don't want to see anyone". The only people I've spoken to, besides staff, are Gio and Z. I've been keeping myself busy with casually torturing Russian Mafia members. I'm subjecting myself into long hours of listening to screams and stubbornness. It's exasperating, but at least I've gotten a bit of information from them.

I glance down at my phone and see it's already one-thirty. Yeah, I'm going to be late for sure. Groaning, I lower my feet onto the floor and scratch the base of my neck. I go inside my bathroom and have the quickest shower of my life.

"Mads?" I peek my head out of my bedroom door and search for her.

"Yes, Ms. Imari?" She calls from downstairs.

"Is Thomas here?"

"Yes. He arrived a few minutes ago," she informs me.

"Grazie," I tell her and slip back inside the comfort of my room.

I slide on my black slip-on Vans and pull my hair up into a half-assed bun. My hand holds onto the railing as I descend downstairs. Tucked into my waistband is my gun and my phone is secured into my back pocket. I whip open the front door to be hit with the sun beaming down on us. Spring is encroaching and... I'm not excited. I'll be turning twenty-five and so will Gio. Soon we'll be senior citizens.

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