9: A Little Too Late

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I definitely didn't hear him right

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I definitely didn't hear him right.

I chuckle and say, "Yeah... what?" The Russian mafia cannot possibly want to kill me. I haven't done shit to them... Or have I?

"Remember Even? That guy you took out around three months ago?" Gio says. I nod slowly, vaguely remembering who he's talking about. "Well, apparently he was a big deal in the Russian mafia. They want payback and they're stopping at nothing to get it."

"Well... this is fucking peachy," I say, my voice littered with sarcasm. I can barely even remember that kill. I think it was from a rooftop. He was... in a building? Fuck, I don't even remember. I'm going to die from a meaningless kill. Scratch that, there's no way in hell I'm going to die.

They want a bloodbath? Oh, I'll give them a fucking bloodbath.

"Avi? Did you hear anything we said?" Alex, another one our men, asks. I've always known that he has a thing for me, but I made it clear that I don't mix business with pleasure.

"Nah, I'm not a great listener," I casually say. Too casually. I'm acting as if I'm completely unfazed. To a certain extent, I am. I'm not afraid of those bitches. If they could kill me, I'd be dead by now.

"The main person who wants revenge is Ivankov. As you know he's —" Gio starts.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. The leader of that whole ass mafia. I know that, I don't live under a fucking rock." I brush off. "I can take care of myself. I don't need your help."

"Are you an idiot?" Everyone turns to look at Salvatore right as the question leaves his lips. Fuck, how does someone manage to look so damn hot at three in the morning?

Shit, I need to focus.

"Excuse me?" I say with a harsh tone. He stands and hovers over the table.

"This is the fucking Russian mafia we're talking about. Like it or not, you need help." Everyone stares at Salvatore with big eyes. No one has ever talked to me in that way before. Except Gio, but he's allowed; he's my partner in crime, an annoying ass partner in crime. I mentally commend Salvatore for having the balls to actually give me a piece of his mind. I still don't like him, though.

"A, he's right," Z says from the back of the room. "You can't do this by yourself. You need people by your corner." She says. She speaks seriously, but I can see the worry in her eyes.

Everyone mumbles how they agree with Salvatore and Z. I huff and walk out of the room. I storm inside Giovanni's bedroom and lock the door. After an exhausting day, I need this. I'm courteous and take off my coffee stained socks before climbing into his bed. He won't mind, right?

I wake up a few hours later, an uneasy feeling present in the pit of my stomach. I roll out of Gio's bed and rub my eyes. I look outside and it's still dark. I look over at his alarm clock and it's six A.M. I walk into Gio's bathroom and splash cold water on my face. I look at the mirror and sense that's something is off. The air seems thick and tense. The house is all too quiet. I hear faint noise coming from downstairs, but there's something else. The hair on my arms stand up when I feel a gush of wind coming from the open window in Gio's room.

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