If You Won't Take Me, I'll Get Myself There

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Chapter 33-

**Tamara’s POV**

I was still shocked.

Tom had left a while ago and Cindy was still knocked out.

Suddenly she started moving in her seat and I just stared at her. The cut on her forehead was still bleeding and the blood had ran down her face.

She groaned, and then looked around. “Where am I?” She asked.

I rolled my eyes.

“Same place we were before trying to escape” I said.

She blinked a few times before focusing her eyes on me. Since she didn’t bother on talking, I decided to work on my sarcasm.

“By the way, thanks for leaving me behind, it really helped me to realize my level of fitness” I said.

Her eyes widened and then she said, “I’m sorry, but one of us had to make a run for it and find help”.

I gave her a look that said, “Cut the bullshit”.

She hesitated before speaking again, “Okay, I got scared, I didn’t want to get shot and die like Ciara did-“

“And you didn’t care if I ended up dead too, because you decided to save your ass and leave your best friend behind, the one that decided to trade her life for yours, when Tom said he would let you go if I came here, the one that always have your back, and the one that is there when you need her!” I said cutting her off and yelling even more with each word. I was so angry at her. I know that part of it was my fault for not running away but hell, can’t blame me, Tom killed someone who used to be my best friend, let alone an innocent baby.

I saw tears run down by her face, then she started crying. “Sorry, I panicked, it was stupid, you’re right, I shouldn’t have taken off without you, I’m so sorry” She said.

Anger was increasing with her words. “I’m sorry, were the words Ciara said before dying, and you know what that changed? Nothing, not what she did, not what Tom did, not what you did, nothing, not even preventing her baby from suffering a situation that wasn’t even his fault to begin with”.

She was crying but what did that change?, Crying didn’t solve anything. All I wanted was to get out of this stupid place, and make Tom pay for everything he has done.

“I’m such a useless person” Cindy said.

I looked at her. “You need to stop saying that” I said firmly. “Anyhow, what caused that cut on your forehead?” I asked.

She sniffed and then said, “There was this guy that I guess was following me, he appeared in front of me and when I tried to get away, he hit me with the gun on my forehead, then that’s when I knocked out”.

I raised my eyebrow. “Well that sounds fun”.

After that I we didn’t say anything. Minutes later Tom came in with a smile on his face.

“Well, the job is done” He informed.

I raised my eyebrow. “What job?” I asked.

He smile grew wider and then he walked towards me a little more. “You remember your little boyfriend at school?” He asked.

I frowned. Who was he talking about?...Then it clicked.

He must have seen my face because his smile grew wider.

“Yeah, him, he got stabbed unfortunately, he’s probably either dead, or in a wheel chair” He laughed.

I was a mixture of anger and sadness.

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