Being a fool.

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Jack's POV

Finally I can say that I have my own furniture and it makes me so happy to be honest. It was 8:00 p.m. and we've finished putting everything together with Rye and my room was too good to be true.
I'm kind of tired but I don't want to sleep yet so, since I didn't see Brook since we came back from IKEA, I'm going to see what he's doing and maybe we can eat something or do something before we go to sleep. As I always say, I like to spend my time with him.
Before going to his room I took a shower and putted on clean clothes.

"Hey Brook" I came into his room and found him lying on his bed watching something on Netflix. As soon as he saw me he got a little exalted and sat on the bed.
"Hey," he said and looked back at the television.
"What are you doing?" I sat next to him and tried to guess what program was he watching.
"Just chilling" He shrugged and didn't look at me at all.
"Are you okay?" I asked because he was acting a little weird.
"Yeah you?" This time he looked at me but there was still something that didn't match.
"Yes ... you want us to eat something and watch some movie?"

We usually do a lot of that, prepare or order food and spend the night watching a random movie that we found on Netflix, always in his room even though we have a cinema room. We use the room when we see something with someone else but when it comes to us, we stay in his room, it's more comfortable and I don't know...more private?

Brook's POV

That Jack was in my room so close to me made my nerves increase with every second, he was acting completely normal and I was on the verge of a mental collapse.

After my bath session, I decided to stay in my room and avoid Jack all day until, at least, the next morning when the shame has disappeared a little from me. And I was really begging him not to come see me at some point but now we were both here and he wanted us to eat something and watch a movie. Both of us, alone ... in a bed. God.
I mean, I'd love to do that because I love watching movies and eating with Jack but at that moment I didn't know if I'll be able to hold a movie with him next to me all the time, now that I know I want he somehow. I still don't know what I feel exactly but I can accept that I want Jack.

"Yes, of course" I said and I hope my voice didn't sound as strange as it seems. If I said no, it would be weird because I never said no to Jack and I honestly thought he already suspects something.
"Okay, I'm too tired to cook so I'm going to order something. What do you want?"
There are so many things that I wanted Jack and they were not especially food.
"a hamburger with big fries would be great" he nodded and started searching through the app. I pretended to look for a movie. We always see comedy and action so I went for that.

He's going to want to talk to me before the food arrived so that when it arrived we started to see the movie, as we always do and the truth is that I didn't know what we could talk about. I felt too shy for all this and I hated it.
"Ready ... and what did you do today? I didn't see you all day" he said, leaving his cell phone beside him. I settled in my place so I could face him better and talk well.
"Hmm, nothing ... I was here watching things on TV. Did you finish putting together your furniture?" I felt that the conversation is being too forced but I didn't know what to say.

He told me everything he did with Rye, how they putted some parts wrong and they had to start again and little by little I felt more comfortable with the situation, I felt like I was being a fool worrying about what happened this morning and this afternoon. Jack is everything to me and whether or not I feel something for him, he will always be everything to me and I can't feel uncomfortable or nervous around him, it's just stupid and I hate to felt of this way a few minutes ago.
"Jack ..." I interrupt him because I need to say what I'm going to say "you're very important to me, you know?" He stared at me for a few seconds, looked surprised.
"You are also important to my Brook"

And he smiled again and I didn't know why his smile provokes so much in me, this time I smiled back at him and I didn't stop looking at him and everything in my mind suddenly settled down. I realized that I love when Jack smiles, I love when he is in his own world, I love when he orders everything to be symmetrical, I love when he laughs so hard that he can't breathe, I love him to hug me, I love him to kiss my neck to apologize or just for doing it, I love how his eyes look at me, I love when he does his stupid jokes, I love when he gets serious in some situation, I love every little thing Jack has.

I love watching him, I love listening to him, I love to laugh with him, spend time with him. And all for one reason ... I'm madly in love with Jack and this time I'm not afraid to being, I'm afraid of what can happen if I tell him but I'm not afraid of the feeling because it makes me feel so good to be in love with a person like Jack.

And that's how wanting to kiss him and what happened this morning make sense in my mind, like many other things and I'm happy because at last I can be sure of something in my life.

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