In which you are a prude theology student and one day, your sneaky twin brother sent you a link to the livestream of an infamous camboy, Park Jimin.
Chimminiemine: "shit, baby, you're so hot!"
Anon777: "Yes!! daddy wants to see more!"
DaddyTae: "...
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"My name is Jung Y/N, I will be your counselor for the next six months. I will always welcome if any of you want to share your story or your problem. Whether it is privately or in a group sharing, please don't hesitate to tell." She said as she wrote their names on the wooden clipboard.
"Since the campus had agreed to do this counseling group. You can say I'm legally your guardian. I'm responsible for your change of behavior and-"
"So, if we turned out worse than before, it all be your fault." Taehyung cut her off.
"Yes, it is. But if you turn out to be worse, you know the consequences. No points, no graduation. As simple as that. It's heavier on your side, just for your information. I know most of your were on your last year. It is basically all on you." She threw him a half asses smile before returned her gaze back to everybody else.
Taehyung scoffed while Jackson tried to hold his laugh. "Looks like you finally found your equal."
"Shut up, bitch." Taehyung pinched Jackson's thigh harshly through his tight jeans. The man hissed and mouthed, 'okay, sorry.'.
"We will start our volunteering activity by next week or two. So, if anyone of you have suggestion at which community or job you wanted to be in, please, tell me." Everyone on her team just gave her silence.
Y/N sighed. "I'll choose it then."
"Everyone own Kakao, right? Please write your ID here and I'll add you in a group chat. I will inform you what our volunteer will be. And if anyone wanted to leave, you can always leave." She said, staring at Taehyung. She handed her clipboard to Mark so he could write down his kakao ID and passed it around.
"Because no one will stop you." Her eyes challenging the taller boy.
Taehyung scoffed in disbelieve and cursed under his breath. She wanted me to leave? Then I'll fucking stay.
"Bitch." She heard Taehyung mumbling but pretended not to. What is his problem anyway?
Y/N smiled proudly when she saw the red haired boy wrote down his ID. That's exactly what she wanted. She knew what type of guy Taehyung was, a man who didn't want to lose, not even at the silliest matter. Now, there is no way he's going to back out. What she needed to think right now, what kind of job she would choose that perfectly suit her messed up team?
Helping the elderly? They are all going to kill them accidentally, she thought while staring at the guys in the group. Non of them looked they could handle elder with such care. Definitely out of the list.
Should she try to volunteer on the animal rescue? Hmmm. But one of them... what was his name again? Mark.. He got allergic to dogs.
What else...
Her thoughts suddenly get interrupted by Jackson who already done writing and handling the clipboard back to her.