In which you are a prude theology student and one day, your sneaky twin brother sent you a link to the livestream of an infamous camboy, Park Jimin.
Chimminiemine: "shit, baby, you're so hot!"
Anon777: "Yes!! daddy wants to see more!"
DaddyTae: "...
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Two police officers rushed inside the hospital building, they were Officer Sehun who came much later and... Hoseok.
The two just watched how the nurses and the doctor had moved the unconscious body over the ER bed.
"Overdose patient?" The male doctor asked, one of the nurses nodded her head confirming.
"What did he take?" He asked the two officers who seemed flustered. Officer Sehun then handed one of the syringes they gathered from the scene as evidence. It didn't take long for the doctor to know what the substance was.
"Prepare me a shot of Narcan and please officer, wait over there." He pointed at the receptionist counter nearby the front door.
Hoseok's feet were glued on the floor until his senior had to pull him away. They just watched from afar how the medical team started to treat the dying male. They rested his head on the pillow, turning his body to the side.
"He's going to okay, isn't he?" Hoseok didn't stop tapping his feet nervously on the white marble floor.
Officer Sehun looked down at the slightly shorter male and furrowed his eyebrows. "Hopefully." The older male sighed.
Once the doctor came back, Hoseok was the first who rushed and bombarded him with questions, leaving his senior dumbfounded.
"How was he? Will be he alright?!" The doctor sighed as he pulled off his gloves.
"We almost lost him. He almost went into cardiac arrest but thankfully he did pass it well. How long since he had his seizure? We might have to check his brain as well later since seizure may lead to critical brain damage." Hoseok's eyes immediately widened, both of his hands weakly rested next to his hips.
"B-brain d-damage?" He repeated the word to himself.
"Are you alright, Seok?" Officer Sehun questioned. "Do you know him?"
Hoseok shot his head up to meet his senior' eyes, his lower lip visibly trembled, his pupils were shaking.
"N-no... I don't..." He lied.
He then shifted his gaze toward the male who's now laying on the bed with an IV drip attached to his right hand. "I don't know him..."
The horror image of the black-haired male when he first discovered him, laying on the bedroom floor, foam coming out from his mouth, totally opposite of how he used to remember him, kept replaying inside his head.
Looking at him now, his thin figure, pale skin, dark black circle underneath his eyes. Where did the Youngjae he used to know had gone?
The Youngjae who always had his chubby cheeks decorated with pink, his used-to-be sweet smile, his gentle voice, the way he used to sing him a lullaby.