In which you are a prude theology student and one day, your sneaky twin brother sent you a link to the livestream of an infamous camboy, Park Jimin.
Chimminiemine: "shit, baby, you're so hot!"
Anon777: "Yes!! daddy wants to see more!"
DaddyTae: "...
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Hoseok zipped up the costume as he placed the huge Podori's head on the bench inside the changing room.
His huge first murder wasn't making any progress. The forensic returned the station with zero result of finger print or any DNA lead that could bring them toward the real culprit. The police still took cautious just incase this was not just a simple murder but a serial killing case.
Just like what Chief Namjoon had briefed everyone in the meeting earlier, the first killing wasn't being done out of passion, but out of desire, which usually could be seen in between traits of a serial killer. Hoseok just hoped it won't be true, he hoped that killing wouldn't just be the first but also the last. He didn't one anymore innocent girl to die in the hand of whoever the psycho was.
He sighed heavily when Jungkook came inside the room,
"Aren't you going to wear your costume?" He asked as Jungkook just scoffed.
"Looks like you're on your own today, Seokkie." Jungkook laughed as Hoseok pouted.
"Ow, come on Gguk! How could you leave me alone?" He whined while clutching on the taller's arm, Jungkook shoved him harshly.
"Well, that's exactly what I did last week. Giving out flyers in that stupid costume all by myself because Seokkie seemed busy with his own case." The black haired male teased.
"Now it's time for Jungkookie to shine!" He mocked with a fake child voice and rolled his tongue out at Hoseok before marching out of the staff room after he retrieved his vast.
Hoseok's parted his lips, staring dumbfounded at his betrayer best friend.
"Fine! I can do it myself!" He stomped his feet to grab the huge costume head and placed it on top of his own.
Well, he glad at least for one thing. He didn't have to see that grumpy face of his partner for a day, that motherfucker Kim Namjoon, Hoseok cursed under his breath.
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When Jungkook thought today would be the best day of his life— because he finally got dispatched along with his partner, Officer Sehun— to stroll around the crowded Ikseon-dong alleyway. He never thought that he would end up standing in front of a thief he just chased a while ago, with a taser gun on his hands, pointing toward the male with helmet as he held the sharp knife and traced it on the soft skin of Y/N's.