In which you are a prude theology student and one day, your sneaky twin brother sent you a link to the livestream of an infamous camboy, Park Jimin.
Chimminiemine: "shit, baby, you're so hot!"
Anon777: "Yes!! daddy wants to see more!"
DaddyTae: "...
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"Dad? Is that a new car I see?!" Youngjae exclaimed loudly as he couldn't hide the excitement. He runshis hands over the new SUV his father just bought.
"It was second handed but still pretty decent, isn't it?" The male breathed proudly.
"Oh this..." Youngjae pointed at the odd crooked part of the car, it's on the front as if it just crashed into something before being fixed.
"My friend sold this to me, he said it got into an accident once so the owner wanted to throw it out but he told me ha rather sell it for the cheap price. I got it fixed, almost like a brand new, right?" The older male explained, fixing his glasses that kept slipping his nose.
"Now you don't have to ride the morning train anymore, Youngjae-Ah... Dad will drop you off each morning." The younger grinned widely before jumping toward his father, clinging like a koala.
The older male ruffled high schooler's locks before both sharing a happy smile.
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"Pastor Seokjin, what do you think about people who love the same gender? I mean boys love boys and girls love girls in a romantic way?" The girl was wearing a high school uniform, sitting in the front row of the chapel, next to her was the young pastor, he was raising his eyebrows at her.
"Why would you suddenly ask?" The male returned the question, wondering why with the sudden question.
She looked down over the Bible rested on her laps. There was a phrase that she underlined with a pencil.
You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination— Leviticus 18:22
"Nothing. I was just wondering. There are perhaps some homosexual people out there we don't even know. But I feel bad to judge them. Because even though what they did was against what God told, I don't think they're bad people. I just feel sad all of a sudden..." She fiddled with her finger before looking up timidly at the older male next to her.