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"You're not seeing my point D." Bianca told me.

"Baby I am. Right now there's a lot going on though. You pregnant, Ella and Artist are about to have Melody in like 2 weeks."

"What does them having their baby have to do with me wanting to go to school?" She sighed as I got dressed in front of her.

"I have to pick up for Boogie for the time being while he's at home with Ella and the baby."

She just looked at me looking aggravated and put her head in her hands.

"Okay David." Was all she said and I knew she was mad.

"Nah baby don't do that. I don't want you mad." I said walking over to her.

"Too late." She said holding her hand up to stop me from touching her.


"No David. I'm asking for this one thing. Even if I go online I just want to accomplish what I promised my mom... I'm not waiting any longer. I promised I'd do what I always wanted to even if I don't end up being a Dentist I at least want to say I stuck with who I wanted to be and what I want to do. I've even been looking at this program for Dental Assisting online. I can do this D I swear I can." She told me with so much determination and strength in her words.

"You sure this is the right time tho B."

"After the year I made it through the timing couldn't be anymore perfect than it is right now."

"I need this baby." She told me.

"I can do this." She said looking me in my eyes.

"Okay then I support you completely." I told her and her eyes lit up.

She hopped up and hugged me for a long time.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"You hungry?" I asked her.

"Yessss." She said smiling.

"I'll make some breakfast while you get ready." I told her and she nodded going to get in the shower.

I made my way downstairs to start cooking but somebody knocked on the door.

I looked at my cameras and saw the police.

"Oh fuck." I said running up stairs.

"Baby don't panic right now there's police at the door for me." I told her.

I swung the shower door open almost hitting me.

"There's what?" She said grabbing a towel.

"Call Boogie." I told her kissing her lips.

"No David go to the closet I'll make them leave!" She said pushing me aside and running out the room.


"Who is it!?" I yelled hearing the banging on the door.

"NYPD open up."

I wrapped my towel tighter and opened the door.

"Shit it's cold. I'm sorry I was in the shower." I told them stepping back from the doorway.

"We apologize miss we are just looking for a David Brewster." One of the female cops said.

"He's actually out right now can I ask what's this about?" I said.

"The murder of Rakim Allen." She said.

Make it Right 2: C L O S U R E (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now