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The rest of Dinner went well. Don and Lena actually had a conversation. Well it was a group discussion but either way they exchanged words that weren't yelling or cursing so I guess we can take that as progress.

Now Eli and I are in his car on the way back to my house.

"Now is later and I'm ready to discuss what's going on." I spoke up.

He sighed running his hand over his waves. The number one fuck nigga action.

"You cheating on me?" I asked him flat out. There was no need to beat around the bush when we both know what it is.

"Am I cheating currently nah. Did I cheat yeah." He answered being honest.

I just nodded taking in what he told me the best way I could before I opened my mouth to

"Can I explain what happened to you?" He asked.

I just nodded when he glanced at me.

"Yes the girl who was blowing up my phone is the girl I cheated with. Do I want to be with her? Not at all. Am I still contacting her? Not at all. Am I cheating with anybody else? Not at all." He told me.

"So when were you cheating and why the fuck would you do that to me?" I asked him turning to make sure he could feel my eyes piercing as far through him as they could go.

My body was shaking full of a rage I was way too familiar with.

Who would've thought everybody but Dave and B would be going through it.

Don and Lena broke up. Artist and Ella going through shit but they been keeping it to themselves I guess you could say. They both talk to me and B about it though. And now I'm getting cheated on too.

"When we first made it official I got scared. I was thinking to myself I just was locked up with this girl and now here we are falling for each other and I want her but I also want my time that's was taken from me back." He told me.

"Ain't no excuse for me fucking another bitch but it happened a few times and then I cut it off now she won't leave me alone. She getting kept different numbers blowing me up. I don't want nobody else. Can't nobody else take your spot I don't want nobody else in your spot. I made a stupid decision trying to make up for lost time that I didn't need to and now I gotta sit here and tell you I fucked up and I fucked you over. I'm sorry Ashley." He added.

I felt numb. Like every time I opened my mouth to speak I couldn't think so I just closed it back and turned back sitting in my seat correctly.

I closed my eyes breathing calmly to keep my shit together.

Once I felt the car stop for a while I opened my eyes seeing we had made it to my house.

I hurried up and grabbed up my shit rushing out the car.

Eli got out catching me before I could go into my apartment building.

I sighed trying to ignore him.

"You need a minute?" He asked lowly as I looked away from him and down the street at nothing in particular.

I nodded snatching my hand he had a hold on away.

"Don't call me. Don't text me. Don't come by. Don't even go as far as DMing me or sending messages through somebody else." I said finally looking at him so he knew I was deadass.


"I don't want to hear nothing Eli!" I snapped.

" I don't want an explanation or an excuse. I've been trying to talk to you for weeks and now it's too late to talk to me cause the whole shit dead to me now." I spoke so coldly towards him his whole expression changed.

"You leaving me A?" He asked.

"Bye Elijah." I told him taking off into my apartment building.

I ran up to my apartment and went in.

As soon as I locked my door back I broke down.

I sat against my door for a while letting all the emotions that flooded me go.

My phone rang and it was David FaceTiming me.

I answered not facing the camera towards me.

"You don't gotta hide Eli just called me." He told me.

I slowly showed my face in the camera and he sighed looking like he was thinking of the right shit to tell me.

"What'd he tell you?" I asked.

"That he told you he cheated and you left him." He said.

"Sure that sums it up." I said.

"Come A don't be like that towards me." He told me sensing my dry uninterested tone.

"What'd you call for D?" I asked frustrated.

I don't feel like talking to nobody at this point.

"To check on my little sister. I don't care if you don't care if you don't wanna talk don't shut me out. And don't talk to me like I did something to you." He said.

I sighed.

"Thanks for checking on me but I'm fine." I told him.

"You and B "I'm fine." is not normal. When y'all say that it means you ready to fuck some shit up or you are ignoring your feelings." He said making me roll my eyes from how well he knows me.

"D I'm fine forreal. I been known I just was waiting on the confirmation." I told him.

"Ashley stop being stubborn and prideful as usual." He told me.

"I'll call you back later David." I said quickly hanging up.

I sighed and stood up kicking my shoes off and going to my room.

The first thing I saw was Eli's clothes he was supposed to wear to dinner on my bed and sports center was still playing on the tv.

I turned on my playlist for times like this and decided to pack everything he had here so I could drop it off to him when I feel like it.

Make it Right 2: C L O S U R E (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now