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I was sitting in the car taking pictures while I waited for Eli to come out of his house

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I was sitting in the car taking pictures while I waited for Eli to come out of his house.

He ran in to grab something before we head to family dinner.

His phone was vibrating in the cup holder somebody was texting him back to back but I didn't want to be that girl.

I didn't want to look for and find some shit I knew was there but didn't want to see.

I pulled down the mirror and decided to put on more lip gloss.

Eli came out and opened his door
"My phone in here?" He asked fixing his chain around his neck.

"Yuh." I said closing the mirror and sitting back.

"I ain't really look at you before we left but you look good baby." He said licking his lips.

He did too but I wasn't going to gas him anymore than these bitches already been doing.

He's been keeping his hair short. I think he's just still dealing with what happened last year. He just doesn't really know how to.

"Thank you

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"Thank you." I told him smiling.

This is the first time him and I are seeing each other in a week.

"You welcome. Where'd they say we eating at?" He asked.

"Umm hold on let me go to the messages." I told him scrolling to find it.

"Frontier." I said once I found the message Ella sent to the group chat with me and B earlier.

"The steak and seafood spot?" He asked.

I nodded and he intertwined our hands pulling off to go to the restaurant.

He turned up the music and sped as usual to
our destination.

By time we were half way there his phone was being blown up again.

"You might want to check your phone it was going off when you were in the house too. It may be important." I told him.

Make it Right 2: C L O S U R E (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now