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Today I'm meeting up with Selena before our doctors appointment for the baby.

She decided on some IHOP so I'm heading there now.

Once I got there I saw her sitting in her car waiting.

I knocked on her window once I got out to let her know I'm here.

She looked up at me and grabbed her purse and phone getting out.

"Hey ma you look good." I told her.

"I know." She stated walking ahead of me.

Damn hopefully she ain't this mean to me for the next 18 years.

"Table for 2?"

Lena nodded smiling at the greeter.

"Okay right this way." She said directing us to a booth.

We used to sit on the same side and eat but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Thank you." We both told the girl.

"You're welcome your waiter will be right over." She said sitting our menus down and walking away.

"So how have you been?" I asked her at least trying to make conversation.

"Great." She mumbled scrolling through her phone.

"Am I ever going to get your new address? You know for when the baby comes." I asked.

"You'll get it when the baby comes." She told me looking up from her phone.

"Damn you really don't like a nigga." I said.

I've never seen this side of Selena she's always so sweet and smiling now she's something so cold everybody keeps mentioning it.

"The problem is I fucking love your stupid ass and I'm carrying your baby while you got bitches about to drop any minute." She spat as our waiter walked over.

"You guys ready to order?"

"Yes can I have a sprite and the steak omelette egg whites only?" She asked.

"Yeah no problem did you want everything on it?"

"No tomatoes." She said closing her menu and handing it to him.

"And for you?" He asked.

"I'll have the same thing thank you." I said not really concerned with eating right now.

"It'll be right up!" He said grabbing my menu and walking away.

"I want to make it clear right now that you hit going to have no random nigga around my baby." I told her.

She started laughing. "You got a lot of fucking nerve trying to tell me what to do when you been fucking off on bitches behind my back. Since we making shit clear let me tell you something." She said folding her hands on the table.

"You get no say so over what I'm doing anymore. You know me well enough to know I wouldn't have no nigga playing daddy to my kid anyways. Make sure your bitches and your maybe kids ain't around mine is that understood?" She asked.

"If they siblings don't you think they should know?" I said cause she made no sense.

She shrugged "not my problem." She said.

"Nobody told you to go out here and get that bitch pregnant." She said.

"Aye you ain't gotta call her a bitch." I said and immediately regretted it cause her napkin full of silverware hit me right in the face.

Make it Right 2: C L O S U R E (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now