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"Baby!" I yelled coming in the house.

When I didn't get an answer I figured Bianca was sleeping.

I made my way upstairs and she was knocked out with her headphones blasting in her ears.

I laid down beside her and uncovered the rest of her little belly.

I hung my feet off the bed so I could rest my head next to her stomach .

I put my hand over it and felt complete.

"Hey Daddy's Baby in there."I spoke rubbing circles.

"I love you so much already. You're going to be spoiled and so loved you never going to worry about nothing. As long as me and mommy breathing you'll never want for anything. I'll always protect you and mommy with my entire being. I love y'all so much it makes no sense. If someone would've told me a year ago life would be like this now I would've probably laughed in their face but I'm so happy to be here now. I wouldn't want things to be any different way. I can't wait til you're here so I can hold you and kiss you and love you." I spoke to my child.

I felt Bianca's hand fall in my hair and she softly played with it while I continued to rub her belly.

"I love you David." She whispered.

"I love you too." I told her.

"When'd you get back?" She asked.

"Like 5 minutes ago maybe." I told her scooting up to her level.

She kissed me a few times.

"We're going out for Family Dinner." I told her.

"Where at?" She asked.

"I don't know. Artist said he'll let me know." I told her.

"This the last family dinner before Melody gets here I'm so exciteddd." She said doing a little happy dance.

"Me too she going to be so spoiled." I said and she nodded in agreement.

"You think Lena coming to dinner?" She asked me.

"Mannnn." I said.

"Right it's like damn I want to make sure she comes but at the same time her and Don need time away from each other cause she's stressing and it's not good for her or the baby." Bianca said.

"Exactly. Don been MIA lately. Boog said he don't be home and when he at the trap we barely see him or hear him. Even in the last meeting he was quiet as a mouse." I told her.

"He going through it." She said shaking her head.

"Yeah but shit that's on him. Selena of all people and he chose to fuck her over." I said.

"You've changed a lot D." She said smiling at me.

"Our situation taught me a lot. I hated myself for a long time once I realized the shit I did frfr." I told her.

She kissed my temple.

"I never hated you I always had the same faith in you. You were out here being a nigga and now you're a man." She told me.

Nothing feels better than hearing the love of my life say that to me especially after everything we've been through.

"Mannn you be having a nigga happy as shit Bianca." I told her.

She swung her leg over me and wrapped her arms around me.

She was smiling as she buried her face in my chest.

Make it Right 2: C L O S U R E (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now