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"Baby can you get the door for Ashley? She forgot her keys!" B yelled out from the shower.

"Yeah I got it!" I yelled back hoping out the bed and making my way downstairs.

"Hey sister." I said opening the door.

"Hi brother." She said stepping in and hugging me.

She hugged me for a long time before she finally pulled way.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She looked terrible and Ashley never looks terrible unless she going through it honestly.

"I can't stop overthinking I've barely slept the last two days."

"Damn A I'm sorry." I said leaning over to pull her into a hug.

"Ughhh don't make me cry David." She said.

"It's good to cry. You and B always trying to stay strong it's okay to lean on somebody." I told her.

She wrapped her arms around my torso and just stayed quiet.

Eli my cousin but I hate seeing my sister hurting he was going to have to hear my mouth about this.

"Want to smoke a blunt?" I asked knowing it would help ease her mind and get her some sleep.

She just nodded while her head laid on my shoulder. She moved so we could get up knowing I don't smoke through the house no more just in the game room.

"Can I get a piggy back ride?"

"Man come on you lucky I love you." I told her as she stood on the couch to hop up.

"Do you like being this damn tall D?" She said.

"I guess so I can reach anything but that's the only plus really." I laughed.

"The view is so much better up here." She said making me laugh.

"I got the same view as you." I said.

"Nah I cant see the top of shit you can see everything." She said as we walked into the game room.

I sat her down "Dang now I feel so little." She pouted sitting down.

"Cause you are." I told her and she gave me the middle finger.

"You mad cause you know it's the truth." I told her.

"Whatever. Thanks for entertaining me by the way. I needed to get out of my own company." She said leaning her head on my shoulder.

I handed her a blunt and she immediately lit it.

"You know I got you with whatever whenever I love you to death sis." I said kissing her forehead.

"I love you too." She told me.

"You want to vent? I know you got a lot in your mind and you still thinking." I said.

She shrugged.

"I guess so. I mean I don't even know where to start." She said hitting the blunt and staying quiet for a while.

"I just keep thinking about everything we went through together trying to convince myself that I'd be able to do what he did but I can't. I could never do somebody like that. Especially seeing somebody at their worse like we did. He saw shit happen to me that I don't even want to think about anymore but I can't stop because every scene from the time we met to now has been playing back over and over since I found out." She said as her voice broke.

Make it Right 2: C L O S U R E (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now