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  • Dedicated to Busola Olukoya


 Serafina stood in front of the council ready to speak. She had thought long and hard (as in two days long and hard) about her decision. She’d prayed about it, cried a little, talked to everyone she could trust, cried a little more, and then slept on it and when she woke up, she cried a lot. Why was she crying so much? Because she’d never been faced with such a decision as vital as this -the stress was getting to her- but she had finally come to a decision. A decision that would please everyone and was more or less the right thing to do (at least according to Kefilwe).

“I have come to a decision about the issue that took place on Tuesday.”

“Finally,” said Kefentse who received a warning look from Serafina as a response.”

“I have decided to d-d-d-,” she paused and swallowed the saliva in her throat, “d-d-d-d-d-d-,” she stopped again. The words didn’t seem to want to come out, not that she wanted them to. “Sorry, I need water.” Nobanzi gave her a cup and Serafina took the straw out and drank straight from the cup. Myra who was standing at the back of the room next to Kefilwe giggled. Kefilwe looked over at her.

“Do I know you?” she asked

“Oh no, I’m Myra Wallace.” She shook Kefilwe’s hand, “I’m Kefentse’s ex-girlfriend,” she added.

“Aren’t you supposed to hate Serafina?”

“Yes,” Kefilwe looked terrified, “but I don’t,” she added.

“Good. We have enough people in that club already.”

Serafina continued, “I have decided that I will date K-k-k-k-k-k” she paused again and fought back the vomit coming up her throat, Kefentse rolled his eyes. “I have decided that I will date Kefentse.” She said quickly. The words stung her throat like she’d just swallowed a live scorpion. Kefentse smiled with satisfaction. “And if anyone outside these walls finds out about this I will kill who spilled.”

Kefentse walked up to her and the smile on his face made her want to crawl up in a ball and keep herself in isolation.

“For once I am happy with a decision you made.” Kefentse said, “So as for our date,” Serafina flinched when she heard his words, “I was thinking lunch at the Nomalanga garden at 3 o’ clock tomorrow.”

Serafina stood stunned and speechless.

“She’ll be there,” Kefilwe said and Kefentse left.

“The N-n-n-n-nomala-la-la-langa g-g-garden.” Serafina stuttered

“Yes the Nomalanga garden,” Kefilwe said, “You do know where that is right?”

“The centre of the palace,” she said still stunned. She hadn’t moved an inch or changed her expression since Kefentse told her where their date would be, “Where my parents met.” And at that moment Kefilwe understood.

“Serafina,” she said

“I need to take a walk.” Serafina said exiting the room. She ran to the only place in the palace she knew she would be at peace.

She pushed the large doors open and walked into the room. The only sound was the sound of her shoes on the wooden floor. The bright room was adorned with pictures of her ancestors. Every single ruler of Motusegi, past and present, had their picture in that room.

She walked to the largest picture in the room. She looked exactly like the woman in the picture hence her odd connection to the picture and the woman (when she was alive). She knelt in front of the picture.

“Great grandmother Kagiso,” she began, “I come to you in this time of distress, irritation and agitation to talk to you about my problems.” She paused. “Ugh!” she shouted folding her legs and throwing her head back. “This is not fair! This was not supposed to happen to me, my life was not supposed to take this turn; this is not cool at all. I was supposed to get married to Daniel Radcliffe have three kids named Kagiso, Serafina and Michael; Kagiso would be heir to the throne, Serafina would marry a Kihambuanean prince and Michael would marry Kate and William’s daughter but now it’s all gone wrong and ughhhh!!!” she groaned out of breath and lay flat on the floor and shut her eyes then sat up and looked at the picture.

“I’m sorry, I’m acting like a spoilt brat, I should handle this more maturely and…”

“Hey,” the high pitched voice said cutting her off. She turned around and saw her younger sister, Kike, and beside her, her brother, Kopano.

“Hey,” she replied

“Talking to great grandma again?”

“Yeah,” she replied looking back at the picture.

“She argue with you this time?” Kike asked sitting on her right.


“Didn’t think so,” Kopano said sitting on her left.

There was an odd silence; it was peaceful, but it was odd.

“We heard about the whole Kefentse dating marriage issue thing,” kike said breaking the silence.

“How’d you find out?” Serafina asked

“The palace isn’t that big.”

“You’re probably devastated,” Kopano said

“I’d be,” Kike said, “especially if I had my life all planned out then this whole situation…”

“Oh my gosh!!!” Serafina screamed burying her face in her hands.

“Was it something I said?” Kike asked confused.

“Look on the bright side,” Kopano began,

“What bright side?! Ugh!” Serafina said and fell flat on the floor again. No one spoke. Kike and Kopano just stared at each other. Serafina sat up and sighed. She didn’t have anything left to say.

“But,” Kike said “can I be your little bride.” Serafina gave Kike a disbelieving look and then got up and walked out.

“This is bad.” She said to herself, “Why did I say yes? Am I insane?”

“Your highness,” Nobanzi called from behind her,

“What?!” Serafina screamed turning around. Nobanzi looked stunned. “I’m sorry; I’m just in a really bad mood. What is it?”

“Lady Kefilwe says you need to get ready for your date.”

Serafina groaned once more. “Fine,” she said, “let’s go.”

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