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She paced in her bedroom as the phone rang repeatedly.




“No it’s Nombeko. Who else would be calling you from the other side of the continent?”

“Good point.”

“How in the name of all my aso ebis could you let this happen?!”

“I’m so confused.”

“How could you let Timi leave?”

“He has to fight in the war. I can’t control that.”

“You could have at least tried.”

“What was I supposed to do?!”

“I don’t know. Something. Now Serafina is all emotional.”

He rolled his eyes and kicked his feet up unto his desk. “Come on, Mandisa.”

“Don’t you dare talk to me with your feet on the table.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Get Timi back here. That’s all I need. Kapish?”


He put the phone down on the table and massaged his temples.

“How’d she know my feet were on the table?” He got up and started looking around for spy cameras in the office.

“What are you doing?”

He jumped, startled my Timilehin’s quiet entrance.


Timi just shook his head and sat at the desk.

“Why are you doing this?” Lanre asked

“Doing what?”

“This. You don’t have to fight in the war you know?”

“No, I don’t know.”

“Well, now you do we can go back.”

“Lanre that’s a long way just to go see her.”

“Really? You didn’t say that when you insisted on going for her birthday. You could’ve called but nooo” Lanre picked up a pointing stick and walked up to the huge map of Africa on the wall.

“You decided to fly all the way from Kihambuane, which is here about 25 miles south of Nigeria, all the way to Motusegi over here off the coast of Mozambique. Dude, it doesn’t get farther than that just to see her.”

“Lanre, we have to be here to defend our country.”

“Fine. I guess we’ll just stay here. But all I can think about is Serafina probably spending so much time with Kefentse planning how he’s gonna slaughter you and the rest of the army. And I can just see her having an emotional breakdown and ,he being the only one there,she will cry on his shoulder and he will comfort her and only God knows what that’ll lead to.”

“I want a chopper going to Motusegi on the roof before I get there.” Timi slammed the phone unto the receiver and walked out.

“Wow. That was a lot easier than I thought it would be.”


Serafina walked into the garden only to find Mandisa and Myra there. She ran out. She couldn’t let them see her and so she grabbed a black robe and went back.

Activities of the Young African QueenWhere stories live. Discover now