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“I cannot believe you guys brought me here.”

“What’s so bad about this place?” Mandisa  asked

“It’s a club! Aunty Kefilwe is going to kill us.”

“If she finds out.”

“How’d you even know about this place?” Serafina asked Myra

“It’s Kefentse’s favourite club.”

“What?! So you’re telling me Kefentse could walk in at any moment? I am out of here.” She stood up but Myra and Mandisa pulled her down.

“You are not going anywhere.”


Déjà vu by Beyoncé started playing and Serafina sighed happily.

“I love this song. It’s the story of my life. At the moment.” She started singing along a little louder than she should have been, drawing a lot of attention. People started whistling and hooting and not one to be shy, Serafina got up on the table and gave a mini performance of the song.

Myra kicked Mandisa and signalled her to look at the door. What they saw stunned them. Lanre and Timilehin standing at the door amazed at what they were seeing. They sat at a table in the corner and continued to watch.

At the end of the song Serafina received a standing ovation and she playfully bowed. She turned around and saw Timilehin sitting in the corner. She stepped off the table and strutted her way through the crowd to where Timilehin was. When Lanre saw her coming he got up and left mid-sentence.

“What are you doing here?” Serafina asked sitting in front of him.

“Wow, Serafina. Good to see you again. That was quite the performance up there.”

“You haven’t answered my question.”

“Fine. First things first. I forgot my laptop.”

“Okay.” She paused for a while. “Well?”


“Second things second?”

“Oh, yeah, em. Actually, this probably should have come first. I kind of left behind something or someone I need and is extremely important to me.”

“Oh really? Would you like to tell me what or who this something or someone is?”

Timilehin looked down and laughed. When he looked up at her he smiled. “All you have to do is look in a mirror and you’ll find out.”

Serafina bit her lip and looked down so he couldn’t see her expression. He stood up and stretched his hand to her. She got up and they left the club. Serafina turned back and Mandisa and Myra urged her to go. Timilehin turned back and got a thumbs up from his big brother.

Kefentse turned on the TV in his office to watch the local news.

“And now for the entertainment news.” The pretty news anchor said.

“Damn it. Missed it.”

“Queen Serafina likes to party. She was spotted at a luxurious club dancing on a table and left the building in the hands of another man. General Kefentse is not going to be happy about this. We’ll have more on that after the break.”

Kefentse was shocked (to put things lightly). He stormed out of his office angrily to Kefilwe’s office.

“You have absolutely no control over that girl!”

Activities of the Young African QueenWhere stories live. Discover now