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Once again the War Valley was filled with warriors on their horses with King Adetayo and his sons Timilehin and Lanre in front of the Kihambuanean army of twenty thousand men on their horses and General Paki in front of the Motusegi army of one thousand men on their horses. It was obviously an uneven battle.

“Paki, obviously you cannot live up to your predecessor. You’ve come with only a few men.” King Adetayo taunted.

“Actually, I’ve come with a thousand men-”

“Still that is rather small.” King Adetayo cut him off

“I was not done. One thousand men and a girl.”

“What?” Lanre and Timilehin asked

Serafina appeared at the top of the hill in her black horse. She began riding down, then, suddenly, a loud series of roars were heard. Fifty lions also appeared at the top of the hill with five thousand men on foot and five thousand on horses and they all began to descend the hill from all corners. Serafina emerged in front of the army face to face with the Kihambuanean royals.

“King Adetayo, Prince Lanre, Prince Timilehin, you have my sincere greetings.”

“Serafina, what are you doing?” Timilehin asked

“Since royalty is getting involved in the war, I felt it was only proper that I participate as well and so, I took the personal decision to make myself General.”

“Queen General Serafina, I welcome you to the war front.”

“Thank you King Adetayo.”

“Sera, please don’t do this.” Timilehin pleaded

“Prince Timilehin, I have taken the decision to represent my nation here.” And with that, the entire Motusegi army took a step back leaving Serafina in front with the fifty lions including Ayize. “And like Queen Esther said, ‘If I die, I die.’”

“Let the drums of war sound.” King Adetayo said

The drummers raised their hands to pound the drums that would signify the beginning of the war.

“No stop!” Timilehin shouted then urged his horse forward so he could talk to Serafina quietly. “Serafina, what are you doing?”

“Serving my country.”

“And in the process you’re trying to get yourself killed?”

“No. But if I must be killed in the process, so let it be.”

“What are you saying?”

“I do this, Prince Timilehin, because I love my country. You of all people should understand that.”

“Serafina!” Timilehin shouted then quieted down, “Don’t you think we can-”

“Hey,” she cut him off, “if things are meant to be, they’ll be. That’s another I’d expect you understand.”

“But do you have to stand in front?”

“If you’re gonna kill anyone, you’re gonna have to kill me first.”

Timilehin realised that she wasn’t going to move for anything.

“Fine.” He said as his horse trotted back to his father and brother. He sighed then said reluctantly, “Let the drums of war sound.”

“No!” Lanre shouted

“Will you make up your minds?!” One of the drummers yelled.

“Sorry.” Lanre said. “But, dad, I think it’s best you know that Timilehin and Serafina…” he paused when he saw the stern look on Serafina’s face, “have a thing for each other.”

“They have a thing for each other?” King Adetayo asked

“Yes.” Lanre answered

“Timi, is this true?”

“Well…” Timilehin started. He got a look from his brother. He looked over at Serafina who gave him a ‘go on, say something’ look. “It depends on what Serafina thinks.”

“Well, your majesty, what do you think?” King Adetayo asked

“It depends, your majesty, on what Prince Timilehin thinks.”

“Stop calling me that!” Timilehin shouted

“I’m sorry, stop calling you what Prince Timilehin”

“Stop calling me Prince Timilehin! You’re my girlfriend! You don’t have to call me Prince or by my full name.”

“I’m your what?”

“I wasn’t supposed to say that.”

“Stupid boy.” Lanre punched him

“I’m your what?”

Timilehin got off his horse and walked up to Serafina. He stretched his hand out to her and helped her off her horse then held both her hands.

“You’re my girlfriend. And I love you.”

Awwws echoed from all over the valley.

“Now, you say something.” Lanre said to Serafina

“Right back at you.” She said

“Sound the drums of war!” King Adetayo exclaimed

“What?!” everyone shouted

“I was kidding. Yeesh. Tough valley.”

Lanre got off his horse and walked up to Timilehin and Serafina

“Look at you two.” He said grabbing and hugging them. “Young and in love. So cute.” He let them go then gave them nuggies.

“Again with the nuggies.” Serafina said smoothening her hair, “So the war is off right”

“Absolutely.” King Adetayo said

“Good!” Serafina said getting back on her horse. “I hate this place. It’s so filthy. How do you guys survive in this place with all the skulls and mud and dirt and it’s all so disgusting. Eew. You guys coming?”

“They can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Apparently, you two didn’t make your beds this morning and your mother is rather upset.”

“Oh, come on dad.” Lanre said

“Serafina, do your devious, manipulating thing and get us out of this,” Timilehin whispered.

“Oh no. Why didn’t you make your beds this morning? What are you babies? If you do something wrong you have to pay the price.”

“Now you choose to act mature?” Timilehin asked

“I’ll see you soon.” Serafina said and winked

“You too.” Timilehin said

She turned her horse around and charged on. Finally, everything and everyone was at peace.

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