Trixie | 1

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Trixie was headed down to the cafeteria for lunch when she first noticed the unfamiliar face in the fluorescent lit high school hallway;
A pale lanky blonde with bright red lipstick and lace up boots was leaning against a locker and mumbling to herself in a foreign language (but trixie couldn't hear or make it out).

As if the other teenager could sense Trixie's eyes burning into the back of her skull she whipped her head in her direction only briefly making eye contact with the taller and curvier girl. Tracy glanced away and tucked her chin, looking down at her feet as she walked and clung to her textbooks.

Trixie slid into her usual spot at the usual lunch bench with her usual friends and took out her usual meal.

Violet spoke up; "I'm hosting a party this Friday and you all better fucking show up."

"Why? Incase it flunks and no one else arrives and we can all have the common pity party we're having at this table right here, anyway?" Danny teased and chuckled at Violet's facial expression of annoyance.

"It's not my party actually-" Violet admitted "- my father has another franchise location opening - thing, and said I could invite as many people as I wanted."

Violet Chachki was an apparent daddy's girl. Her father worked for contracting companies for years before investing into stocks and a company called "Label" - not even Violet really knew the sole function of the growing business other than the fact it provided food and a nice house and she got to invite mass amounts of people to help endorse her father's business and Trixie supposed that was the least Chachki could do as a way of saying;

"Thanks for the weekly allowance, dad!"

Vi pulled back a bit to make room for Pearl who was obviously stoned and even managed to be late to lunch periods.

"You're requested to attend as well" Violet told Pearl.

"Huh?" she ruffled her own short dirty blonde hair, confused as the rest of the table giggled at Pearls demeanour.

Danny nudged Trixie,
"Hey, Tracy. You haven't said much?"

Trixie was a fairly bubbly, loud and outgoing character but as finals
season was approaching she felt the lingering fear of disappointing her father with a grade below an A hovering over her.

"Stressed." Trixie shrugged.

Danny nodded, knowingly - they'd known Trixie for four years now, this was no surprise, but there was something else sitting on her shoulders and they could sense it. Danny didn't pry at her, just rubbed her shoulder quietly.

"You're top of your classes - don't worry."

Trixie gave a smile that mocked a grimace. As the bell rang their lunch group all began parting ways one by one. They agreed to attend Violets (Father's) party on Friday evening and they would see each other later or tomorrow and they'd text the group chat.

As she left the cafeteria Trixie mumbled scientific equations under her breath, trying to remember how to solve halve lives and how Bohr diagrams were created. As she passed the office she overheard the principal speaking with what she assumed to be a student and a parent or two.

"Mrs. Zamolodchikova, we've noted that you're daughter is coming from the school for Chance, we just wanted to discuss with you how her behaviour has changed and if we should have any concerns for other students..." His voice seemed to waver a bit, trying not to offend anyone.

"Yekaterina is a good girl - she was just going through some rough patches while me and her father were sett-ling our seperation, I promise she won't be causing any issues and is here simply for her education." The answer came from someone with a thick Russian accent.

Trixie hadn't noticed but she'd unintentionally stopped outside the office and was now ease dropping on the conversation. She listened in as the principal started up again;

"I think it would be best if we used the buddy system for the time being -" he suggested, the flipping of pages was heard.

"I'll check your blocks and see who's in your classes and let-" the door opened and Trixie was staring up at the three of them; A tall man with a receding hair line, boxy shoulders and thick glasses, holding what was clearly a student file. A short blonde women wearing too many different clashing patterns and next to her, a taller younger version of herself. Bright red lipstick and lace up boots.

"Principal Richards - I -" but she couldn't begin to explain herself before he interrupted

"Ms. Martel - perfect, you'll be Katya's buddy for the next of couple weeks to make sure she settles in here well." He grinned. There was no arguing or getting out of it. Trixie was commonly referred to as the study body pet - not even teachers pet - no. A suck up to the whole damn school - not because she wanted to be but because she simply couldn't say no.

She held back a sigh and nodded too enthusiastically, "i- okay. Sure." Even though she knew he wasn't asking her, he was only telling.

"Thank you for your time ma'am. First thing tomorrow, Trixie." He spoke to who Trixie could only assume to be the other girls mom, Mrs. Zamolodchikova and then proceeded to smile and nod at Trixie.

Katya and Trixie didn't say anything they just glanced around awkwardly before walking their separate ways. Katya with her mother and Trixie towards the bus stop. Trixie read through her notes on the bus ride home while humming along with the next Dolly song to play through her ear buds.

She didn't think much of her encounter or what Katya was going to become or mean to her in the coming months.

{ A/N: I've been wanting to write more on here for a long time, i've never written any Trixya stuff - just read it, so feedback is very much appreciated. }

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